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I couldn't believe he was here. I hadn't spoken to Ezra since "the incident" with Jackie.

He gets out of his car and starts walking towards me. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to get you," he states.

"What? Why I dont-"

"Spencer talked to me," he interrupts. "She told me she knew about us. Don't worry, I'm not mad, but I'm worried about you, and so is she. She thinks that this Jason guy is dangerous." He tells me. I was shocked, not only because Spencer told Ezra she knew, but because he was even here in the first place.

"He's not," I exclaimed, angry he'd even think that Jason was dangerous.

"He is to me. To us. Look Aria, can we go some place and talk?"

I give him my best cold hearted bitch look, and tell him, "I don't really think that we need to talk about anything at this point. It's all pretty clear to me. You cheated. And you can't take that back," I finish, exasperated.

I turn on my heel, finished with the conversation, only to come face to face with Jason. I can feel my eyes widen in surprise and my heart beats a little faster just at the sight of him.

He looks confused, and angry. But not at me. His hateful glare was boring holes into Ezra's head. If looks could kill, Ezra would be lying on the ground as we speak.

"Aria," he pleads, "can we please just talk about this," he motions towards his car. I was in no way, going to get into the same car as him. Being near him repulsed me.

I glanced at Jason, almost pleadingly. He tore his gaze away from Ezra and gave me a confident, hard stare. You can do this. It said. That was all I needed.

I walked over to Ezra with determination in my steps. I stopped two feet away from him and began talking.

"I'm not going with you. Not to talk at the coffee shop, or your apartment, or anyplace with you. Ezra what we had, it wasn't love. We thought we had this amazing story, but really, it wasn't amazing so much as forbidden. We knee it was wrong and that was what made it interesting. That was the real reason we were together. Our entire relationship relied on the fact that we weren't supposed to be together. And once you left Rosewood High, we didn't need to hide anymore, and everything was dull. We weren't in love with each other, we were in love with the idea of each other, and it wasn't healthy. We both deserve someone who can give us more than just settling. I hope you find that person. Goodbye, Ezra."

And with that, I turned away from him, for the last time, and faced my possible future. I gazed into Jason's beautiful green eyes and was transfixed by them. By him. Everything else in the world was lost once I met his haunting gaze.

Mine and Ezra's relationship wasn't perfect. And things with Jason will get tough, but in this moment, everything is okay. I make my way to Jason, and when he sets the, long forgotten, box down on the porch, I run towards him. He catches me effortlessly and kisses me with so much passion and love.

Life puts through hell so that when moments like this come around, we learn cherish them.

We break apart, both panting and out of breath. "I know we need to talk about what happened back there," i start, "but for right now, can we just... not?"

"I'm totally okay with that."

Jason picks me back up, and heads into the house. In a way, me and jason were always headed here. Fate had me and Ali become friends so that I could meet Jason, and destiny worked its magic by bringing us closer together.

We've both suffered a lot of pain and disaster, but we never strayed off the path that led us to where we are now. I know we'll be able to get through anything, as long as we're together. And as we make our way up to Jason's room, ready to begin on our journey that we spent so long avoiding, I know I'm ready to face whatever life throws at us. After all, that's what you do for love.


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