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It's been a week since we were told we were going to debut as a six member girl group. Our schedule went on as normal, still the usual training. However, we've been told after this meeting it's all going to change. I can't wait.

We're waiting in a conference room. It's sparsely furnished. Just a leafy plant in the corner and the polished wooden table in the centre. We're all seated and anxiously awaiting Mr. JYP himself and our manager, who's name has slipped my mind.

My hand grips the seat of my chair. It's the only way I can stop myself shaking.

I take this time to properly study my fellow group members. Only three of them I've ever spoken to before.

Next to me sits Yang Yang. Pretty and charming, she always tries her best to smile. She has a very likable, pleasant demeanor. She's been a friend of mine for a few months now. I'm very grateful to be put in a group with her.

Opposite is YooAh. She has high cheekbones and a tall slender frame which lends her a graceful appearance. Her face is a perfect oval, with a creamy pale complexion and pretty, slanted eyes. I don't know her well. Initially, she appears to be a little aloof and self-centered but I've heard she's a hard worker and a very talented dancer.

JiEun is a slightly withdrawn character. She's very nice but keeps to herself. She hides behind a thick curtain of ebony hair. I speak to her sometimes but we've never had a proper conversation. I think she was born in Australia but moved to Korea when she was five.

The other two I've seen around but never talked to.
One of them is only half Asian. I've heard people speak about her. She is from the same part of America as Daisy. I think her name is Megan.

Finally, JYP comes in followed by our manager who I remember is called Mr. Choi.
JYP gives us a toothy grin.

"Hello. Well, I guess you're all anxious to hear what will be happening so I won't beat around the bush." He nods to Mr. Choi who presses a remote. A screen slides down from the ceiling. On it appears in graffiti style font the name 'JACKpot'.

"Is that our name?" Yang Yang asks excitedly.

"It is indeed," JYP nods.

"What does that even mean?" Says YooAh, clearly not too happy.

"Jackpot. The prize at the end of a game, like lottery," Megan explains.

"Yes. Jackpot is aimed to be an international group. The name represents that. J for Japan, A for America, C for China and -"

"K for Korea!" Yang Yang finishes.

"Exactly. Jackpot will bring back the punk skater style for its debut concept." Mr Choi presses another button on the remote.
Images of grunge and skater styled teenagers appear on-screen. One of them I recognise as Avril Lavigne when she was younger. I like this concept, especially as it's not that different from my own tastes.

"As for your roles in the group, we've made some decisions but they aren't set in stone."

We all wait expectantly. Will I be a vocalist or a rapper? My voice is strong but then again my rapping is good too. I would love to be the rapper, to be honest. The next CL maybe...
Ha, I wish.

"The main rapper will be," JYP begins to announce. I hold my breath. "Aimi."

YES. Yes, yes, yes!!! My heart may explode from happiness.

I merely nod my head in acknowledgement, barely able to hold back a radiant smile. I notice the corners of Megan's mouth are turned down. Does she want to be a rapper too?
"And the lead rapper will be Megan." A smile spreads over her face. I am thankful she has been made a rapper too. I wouldn't want any conflict between roles disrupting the group.

"Yang Yang will be the main vocalist. JiEun will be the lead vocalist."
Yang Yang smiles warmly at JiEun. JiEun looks down at the table, her long, dark hair falling in front of her face.

"The dance unit will be Jimin and YooAh. Jimin will be the main. YooAh will also be the visual."
YooAh runs a hand through her hair and raises her head a little higher, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"What about the leader?" Jimin asks.

"That has yet to be decided," explains Mr Choi. "We'll first need to observe your behaviour and how you work as a team."

Well, that makes sense I suppose. We'll be monitored and our personalities judged, so no pressure at all..

Over the next hour JYP and our manager continue to tell us how everything will work. They tell us our debut song will be called 'Gold' and we hear a demo of it. It's an upbeat track with a catchy melody. I immediately like it. From what I can tell by just hearing it one time, it seems to be about staying true yourself and not giving up. That's always a nice thing to sing about.
We're also told we'll be moving out of our dorms and into a new apartment building where many debuted groups already live. Although it shouldn't be a surprise, I hadn't taken it into consideration. What about Daisy? Will I still be able to see her? What will she think?
I can only hope she'll be happy for me. I mean, it's Daisy we're talking about; she's always happy.

"And one more thing before you go," JYP says before we can leave, "Remember anything could be switched around. Always try your hardest, don't let it get to your head. Just because you've been chosen doesn't mean it can't change. Not everything is for certain."

And on that note, he leaves.


Okay, sorry I took ages to update.
I'll try be more consistent.
Thanks for reading!

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