Perfect Morning

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"So..what do you think?"

What do I think?
How can I even begin to put it into words.
This is amazing! My dream is actually coming true!

Around me 6 other trainees sit each wearing similar expressions. I don't think any of us can believe our luck.

Our soon to be manager nods.
"Well, that's all for now," he smiles broadly, eyes crinkling at the edges, "We'll talk to you all soon. We'll have finalised the details by then."

We're dismissed. As soon as we're out of the meeting room we explode into chatter. Yang Yang, a girl from Shanghai, lets out a whoop. We're all laughing from sheer giddiness. I don't think I've ever felt this happy before.

Except, at the back of my mind, there's a shadow of guilt.

When I get back to my dorm, I find Daisy's not there and I'm somewhat relieved. I mean, I can't wait to break the news to her but will she be happy?

Will she hate me?

I have the rest of the day off. It's still pretty early so for the next hour I hop around my room feeling like a bubble of glee. However, the room starts feeling too small so I put my shoes on and head outside.

It's a warm, clear day in Seoul. It hasn't been this nice in awhile, in fact. We've had a lot of grey days recently. I'm glad it's finally started to warm up.
I stroll down the pavement without direction, just enjoying the sunlight filter through the leaves above me. Eventually though, my stomach begins to rumble reminding me I haven't had breakfast yet. I stop outside a small Western style café and look at a few items on the menu. It doesn't seem too expensive. I feel for my purse in my jeans and pull it out, examining its contents. There seems to be just about enough.
I could go back and get food from the canteen. But will it still be open by the time I get back? Such a dilemma.
I hover by the café's entrance deciding. My stomach growls again.


I turn.

"Hi," Mark smiles. Even with a snapback pulled down low and a black mask covering his nose and mouth I can still easily recognise him. Two dark eyes twinkle from under the cap. His golden hair poking out seems to capture the sunlight.

"Hey," I twist my purse nervously.

"How's your ankle?"

I look down at my feet.
"It's fine, thank you."

There's an awkward silence. My mind scrambles for something, anything, to say.

"Do you wanna get something to eat?

"Huh?" My head snaps up. Mark nods to the little café. "Oh, sure." Well, that makes my decision easier. He holds the door open. "Thanks," I duck my head and step in.

The aroma of cinnamon lingers pleasantly in the air, plates rattle as they are carried and set down and there's a low hum from the few customers.
We sit in the far corner. It's darker, away from the windows. A shame but I can understand that he doesn't want to be noticed.
A waitress brings the menus. My heart sinks. It's not as cheap as I thought.

"A cinnamon bun, coffee and a flapjack," Mark orders. I can see the waitress clocking him and a flash of recognition but she stays professional and simply nods.
"Strawberry milkshake, please," I say. The waitress leaves.

"Sooo..." I begin awkwardly.

"How are things?" He asks.

"Umm," What is there to say? Anything interesting? . . . Oh, right! Of course. "I just got told today. I'm going to debut!" I smile broadly.

"Really? That's great! I heard there's going to be a new girl group, I was wondering whether you'd made it in or not."

Wait - he was thinking about me?

"Yep, I'm so excited. And a little nervous."

"Haha, don't be. It'll be fun."

"What was it like when you debuted?" I ask hesitantly.

"Hmm, it was fun but really busy. There were so many promotions and photoshoots. It was overwhelming at first, but you get used to it. It all seems normal now."

"I hope I can cope," I reflect.

"You'll be fine. You seem to be the strong type."

Our orders come. Mark eyes my lonely milkshake.
"Didn't you want anything else? I'm paying you know."

"No, no, I can pay for mine, it's fine. I'm not that hungry."
Just at that moment my stomach growls again - loudly. I close my eyes briefly in embarrassment. When I open them, I see Mark is laughing. His voice is so rich and silvery. It's like a waterfall of honey.

"Here," he slides across the delicious looking, warm, icing coated cinnamon bun.

"I'm not hungry," I insist. Mark scoffs.
"Take it, I ordered it for you."

Can't argue with that. The bun looks mouthwatering. I tuck in. Half way through I glance up. Mark is staring at me.

"What?" I ask self consciously. Maybe I let my love for cinnamon buns overpower me a little. I swallow my mouthful.

"Nothing," He looks away and sips his drink. I devour the rest of my cake.

"That was so good!" I exclaim.

"You have something here," he motions to the corner of his mouth.

"Here?" I wipe my mouth.

"No, the other side. Here." He reaches over. I freeze. His thumb brushes over the edge of my lip. His eyes move from my lips directly into my eyes, for the first time I see a tint of hazel in his iris, before leaning back in his seat. My breathing is left a little uneven.

"Thanks," I mumble. Thank goodness this table is out of the light. The heat is crawling up my cheeks. I swear he is smirking again but he turns to attract the waitress's attention so I can't quite tell.

I refuse to let him pay for my milkshake. He looks at me in exasperation as I determinedly empty my purse and count out the coins.
"It's my milkshake, not yours, so I'll pay for it." I say repeatedly.
He raises his eyebrows at me but gives up trying argue.

Back outside the café we part ways. He's going to meet Jackson and I should get back to the dorm, see if I can locate Daisy.

"Thank you for the cinnamon bun!" I thank him cheerfully. He grins back.
"No problem, maybe your stomach will be quiet now," he teases. I stick my tongue out. Childish, I know, but I'm happy.
"Bye!" I start to walk away. Ten steps on though I look behind me. He's also looking back. He sticks his tongue out back at me and we both smile.

First I'm told that I will debut, and now I've just had breakfast with Mark. I don't think this day can get any better.

When I get back to my room, Daisy's still not there.


First author's note of the story!

Well, hello to my few readers out there. Sorry for taking so long to update, so much school work to deal with...
Anyway, I'm back and I shall try update more. I actually have a good idea of where this story is going and warning - it's not going to be all cutesy and stuff. There will be that but I think it's gonna get pretty dark, we'll see.
So, anyway, please keep reading! Don't give up on my story! Or do give up. It is your choice. However, if you don't continue reading it may haunt you for the rest of your years..............Ooh, mysterious.
Sorry, I'll shut up now.
On to the next chapter!

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