Chapter 21

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I sat in the chair next to Cassidy's bed. I hated to see her like this.

I slouched in the chair and opened my legs trying to get comfortable. I tried to remain calm but I couldn't.

My arm was in a FUCKING SLING because of some drunk jackass. My wife was fighting for her life... Who knew if she'd make it. My heart swelled at the thought of if she didn't come back. What would I do?

The door swung open and in walked the doctor.

"Mr. August.. I wasn't expecting to see you here this early... Considering your injuries," he said with a smile. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"How long will she be like this?" I asked him.

He sighed. "She suffered from a lot of brain swelling and bleeding--

"So when will she be okay?!" I asked getting irritated.

"Mr. August, she's in a coma. It could be weeks, months, even years til she wakes up. It all depends on when she wants to wake up... IF she wants to wake up," he said.

Thoughts swarmed through my head. Maybe this was my fault. Maybe she didn't even want to wake up because she wouldn't have to deal with me anymore.

"We did discover something while doing her blood work though," the doctor stated. I kept my head down. What did it matter anyway? Not a damn thing if it wouldn't wake her up. And apparently, it depended all on her.

"She's almost three weeks pregnant," he said.

My head snapped up. Was he serious. "How can she be pregnant while in a coma? Won't the baby die?" I asked.

"Even though she's in a coma, her bodily functions still work. It's... Human nature. She can't help the baby developing inside of her and it will be fine. If she's hasn't woken up by the time the baby is to be delivered, we'll perform a cesarean delivery. But.." He paused. "If she dies while in the coma, the baby will die too."

I was in so much shock right now. I was thrilled that Cassidy was carrying our child, but what if I lost her? Her and our baby? Another one of my babies that I never got a chance to know? To hold? To see take their first steps? I couldn't handle that.

After a few minutes of the doctor doing his duties, he left.

I held Cassidy's hand with my uninjured arm.

"I need you to wake up baby, please. For all three of us," I kissed her hand and looked at her stomach then back at her face.

::Cassidy's POV::

"Giddy up horsieeee!!" Caeden cooed as I ran with him on my back.

"Heyy," I stopped and pouted.

He laughed and jumped off of my back.

"I need you to wake up baby, please. For all three of us," I heard. It rang through my mind and I knew that voice from anywhere. It was Chresanto. I could tell that Caeden hadn't heard it because of the confused expression on his face.

"What's wrong mommy?" He asked and looked up at me.

I looked down at him. "Nothing honey," I said and shook the top of his head. "Where were we?" I asked and scooped him up.

My heart felt light as his laugh filled the air. I'd missed him so much, and even though Chres probably missed me just as much right now, Caeden was my first priority right now.

My heart sank as I thought of Chresanto. How much pain I was putting him through right now. Not knowing if his wife was coming back... Or dying.

I tried to think positively. Saying that he shouldn't be worried because I was coming back to him. But, was I? Sure I said that I was only staying for a little bit, but was I ever going to be ready to leave Caeden? Thinking about it just made me want to cry. I didn't know what to do. He's dead now because I put my company before him... I don't want him to think that I don't care. I don't want to let him down. Not again.


Okay you guys, I know this was short BUT I haven't posted in forever and I wanted to give y'all SUM. But heyyyyy, it ain't my fault. High school is a BETCH. ESPECIALLY when you a freshman. But comment, and vote babes!!

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