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Third Person P.O.V.


        Maybe it was the swing to her hips. Maybe it was the aura of power and strength. Or the glint in her eyes that made people stop and wonder of her story.

        Sometimes it was the black curly hair, seductive smile, and the eyes that have been the last thing people see.

        Whatever it was, it certainly caught Klaus Mikaelson’s attention.

        She glided into the bar. She was quiet, but any eyes could tell, she was angry.

        The unnamed woman asked for a shot of vodka and he smiled. Klaus could tell she was not in the mood for dealing with lust craved boys due to the fact that she had compelled several of them to die. And seeing as it was compulsion, they did.

        This also drove Klaus to want to understand what this woman was doing at a bar, at one in the morning, fending off boys, and drowning her sorrows in vodka and bourbon.

        Klaus knew something was different about her. She wasn’t trying hard, and yet she had captured every person’s attention.

        Klaus stood; he walked slowly up to the bar and stood next to the woman.

          “What would you like sir?” The bartender asked him.

        “Scotch. And vodka for the lady.” He said with a smile. The bartender nodded, set the glasses up and poured the drinks.

        The woman watched from the corner of her eye as Klaus took a seat next to her. She then noticed how he didn’t feel threatened.

        “You do understand that compulsion is literal, right?” Klaus asked, as he caught her looking.

          She smiled, a look in her eye telling him she was different. “Well I would hope so. I have been alive for quite some time.”

          “I’m Niklaus Mikaelson.” He told her kindly. The woman smiled and shook his hand. "Call me Klaus."

        “Juliet.” She said with a smirk. He thought he had the upper hand. How cute.

        “Do you have a last name, Juliet?” Klaus questioned her. She looked at him and smiled.

        “No. No, I didn’t grow up with one.” She said with a sigh. She ran her thumb along the glasses rim and finally took the shot.

        “You’re lying. Everyone has a last name.” Klaus concluded as he took a sip of his scotch.

        “So what? Are you going to take me home and make an honest woman out of me?” She questioned with a secret smirk, one that drove the mighty Klaus Mikaelson into a frenzy.

        “No. I was just hoping to take you to bed.” Klaus said with a smirk.

~ Thanks for reading!~ 

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