Tastes Unhealthy

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Chapter 17- Tastes Unhealthy
Third Person Point of View

Klaus and Juliet stopped in a small clearing where they thought they heard the sound of the wolf. Their eyes systematically scanned the area and recognized there were no wolves in site.

"They couldn't of gotten far." Klaus said, beginning to walk across the clearing.

Juliet glanced up at the sky, seeing lightning form and bolt across the sky. It had become dark in the minutes they had been talking in the woods while neither noticed. "Klaus. The wolves do not want to be found. Let's go back." She called out to him.

"I'm not leaving until I find them." He replied while stepping into the far side of the woods.
Juliet sighed, recognizing the tone of voice he used. She appeared at his side in seconds and continued their quiet journey of looking for the wolves.

Hayley stood in the kitchen by the spice rack, trying to decide between the Cajun pepper or the Louisiana taco mix Juliet had picked up at the store for her. All throughout the kitchen she smelled the hamburger with green pepper and onion she had cooking on the stovetop. She had became increasingly hungry while reading about her family and was craving tacos.

"The Louisiana mix has a slight kick to it if that's what you are looking for." Hayley hadn't even noticed the older Original vampire enter the kitchen. His voice was rich to her ears and she turned to look at him.

"Thank you." She said, putting back the cajan pepper.

She moved to the stove and sprinkled it into the flat pan.

"It helps if you pour and stir at the same time." He told her as he toyed with the button on his sleeve.

"And when did you become such an experienced cook?" She asked, taking his advice and pouring whole stirring.

Elijah chuckled and smiled. "I have lived several lives young Hayley. I've learned many things in that time." She smiled as he spoke to her. He picked up the car keys sitting on the counter and slipped them into his pocket. 

"Where're you going?" She asked, curiously. He turned to look at her.

"I have a... Friend a few hours away." He said. The way he spoke the word friend made Hayley think it was more of an enemy but they held something he needed.

She shut the stove off and placed the hamburger on the opposite burner.

"When are we leaving?" She asked while inviting herself along on the ride.

Elijah shook his head. "I'm afraid this may turn to be too dangerous for a woman in your condition." He said carefully, attempting not to offend the heavily pregnant mother-to-be.
She stared at him. "Dangerous? I can take care of myself." She assured him.
He laughed. "I understand that. But-" 

"I'll stay in the car. Elijah, I have been cooped up in this house for months with extremely limited freedom. Do you understand how difficult it is sneaking out of this house with Klaus always watching? Please." She gave him her best look of convincing.

He sighed and dropped his eyes to the floor and then looked at her. "Fine. But," he interrupted her profuse thanks. "You will stay in the car and under no circumstance are you to leave it." He smiled when she agreed to his terms. "Get your coat. It's raining." As if on queue, thunder boomed in the distance.

Juliet pushed her wet hair over her shoulder and sighed. She was soaking wet to the core and she shivered.

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