'Cause I Have The Power Like Austin Powers

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Chapter 6- 'Cause I Have The Power Like Austin Powers

Third Person P.O.V.


          Juliet knew Klaus was feared. He was known to be the man without mercy. You could pray to whatever god you believed in, but he would win. Even in death.

          So how come Juliet knew there was a whole different side to Klaus? She knew the man that smiled at her when they woke up together. The man that never told her secret even when she pissed him off to the point that he snapped her neck, not knowing if she would come back from being half witch.

          The duo was in Ireland. A ranch that Klaus bought years and years before. It was nearly noon and Juliet was still asleep from their nightly activities.

          Klaus stood in the basement. Only four things laid in the room with him. Four coffins. He could tell exactly which sibling was which.

          He walked to one and opened it slowly. His blond sister Rebekah laid in the coffin of white satin. Her skin was grey and the dagger stuck out of her chest. Her blue out-of-style dress had holes and blood spattered on it. Yet, she still looked beautiful.

          Klaus ran his hand over the dagger. He wanted so badly to un-dagger her. Only one thing was stopping him. He didn't want Rebekah to dig any deeper into the past. Sure he killed their mother, kept Finn in a box for eight hundred years, Kol in a box for one hundred years, and Elijah in one for ninety years, but they were still family.

          "She's been daggered for eleven years. Don't you think that's long enough?" A voice called to him.

          He turned and saw Juliet. She wore a simple white dress. Her long black hair was behind her and the necklace he gave her hung around her neck.

          "Not quite. I don't fancy her finding out your secrets or my indiscretions with our mother." Klaus spoke softly.

          She stepped closer to him and looked into the box.

          "Trust her. If you controlled her before, why not do it now? What's stopping you?" She asked. She looked up at him.

          He brushed her hair that had fallen over her shoulder away. "You." He replied simply. She looked confused.

          "She would be threatened by your beauty and power and how close we are. She wouldn't like you." He placed a kiss on her shoulder and neck.

          "Maybe. Maybe not. There is only one way to find out." She pushed him gently away and put her hand over the dagger. She looked to him and he nodded.

          She pulled the dagger out and Klaus took it and placed it on Elijah's coffin.

          "She'll be awake soon." He stepped closer and placed a hand on her hip. He began to kiss her neck again and she leaned her head back.

          "Then we mustn't waste any time." She replied breathlessly.


          Juliet, Klaus, and Elijah all sat in the living room. They were talking about what was going on in New Orleans. Juliet was intrigued to find out what- or rather who- was able to keep such a calculated eye on the witches.

          "Davina Claire. She's sixteen and has the power of all dead witches in New Orleans. They practice Ancestral magic so they have to complete a Harvest ritual. She doesn't have full control over her power." Elijah leaned back in his seat. "Marcellus rescued her from the gathering but the other three girls were already dead. Marcel now has her in hiding at the old church so the witches cannot find her. She doesn't want to have the ability to do magic; she just wants to become normal. Her friend Monique Deveraux was sacrificed before her." Elijah explained to Juliet. She nodded. She knew of ancestral magic. She also knew not many covens practiced it.

          "Jane-Anne Deveraux sacrificed herself so that she could do a spell to find out something on the werewolf here. Monique- the girl sacrificed before Davina- was also Jane-Anne's daughter. Because Dvina didn't die, Monique's spirit will remain in a limbo state for the next however many months until Davina has died. If Davina doesn't die, Monique and the other two girls will die and the witches of the French Quarter's magic will fade until the witches cease to be witches at all." Klaus spoke while looking at the floor.

          "Since that has happened, it has become Sophie's plan to find Davina and kill her so the Harvest would be completed. This way Monique would be resurrected and the death of her sister, Jane-Anne, wouldn't be in vain." Elijah finished the story and they both looked to Juliet.

          She nodded and sat back in the chair.

          Juliet took a deep breath and looked at the brother's who looked desperate for the witches help.

          "What's so important about this werewolf?" She asked them.

          Klaus tensed. He looked to his brother who nodded at him. Klaus leaned forward on the couch. Every pro and con weighed heavily on his shoulder, however, he knew his old friend could help. His elbows rested on his knees and his hands covered his face before he stood and walked out of the room. Juliet looked to Elijah who only held up a finger, telling her to wait.         

          Minutes passed before Klaus walked in. The werewolf was hidden behind him. He looked at Elijah and sighed. He turned to Juliet, still keeping the wolf out of site, and looked her dead in the eye.

          "What we are about to say and show you does not leave this room. If it does, the wolf and the baby she is carrying will die." Juliet nodded, looking confused.

          Klaus moved to the side. A young woman stood there. She had light olive skin, hazel green eyes and dark brown hair that reached just past her shoulders.

          Juliet watched as the young wolf placed her hand on the bump. She was pregnant.

          The young wolf watched Juliet. She didn't trust her not to hurt her baby. She sat by Elijah in the middle of him and Klaus. Juliet couldn't help but notice the slight looks Elijah and the werewolf  were giving each other.

          "Juliet, this is Hayley Marshall. Hayley, Juliet." Klaus introduced them. Neither moved. They kept their eyes locked on each other. Klaus noticed the two were not going to talk, so he began to explain.

          "Back in Mystic Falls, as you know, I broke the curse that makes me a true hybrid. While in Mystic Falls, I met Hayley. She needed information about her parents and protection from a vampire. So I helped her and after a bottle of Scotch," Klaus motioned with his hands. Juliet didn't even flinch and Hayley didn't even move her eyes away from the vampire-witch in front of her. "When I learned that a witch named Jane-Anne Deveraux was plotting against me, I came here to New Orleans."

          "She had used magic to make sure Hayley was really pregnant. Sophie, her sister, has a gift of telling when a woman is pregnant. The spell Jane-Anne did proved it to be my child. Werewolves are able to have children. And I'm half werewolf. The witch Jane-Anne believed the child will help overthrow Marcel. Sophie linked herself to Hayley and the first thing we need to do is unlink them. She will hurt Hayley and kill her if we make any move the witches do not approve  of." Klaus finished. Juliet only received half of what he said before she began to get images. She had received several over the years and she knew they were of the future. Juliet and Hayley were still in a stare-off as this happened.

          The witch hybrid opened her mouth and spoke as clear as a bell. What she had to say was shocking.

          "Congratulations," She spoke. "You're having a girl." The dazed look left the witch's eyes and she began to see the present again.

          The wolf looked down at her stomach and then to the witch. "How do you know?" She asked. Clear confusion covered her face along with Elijah. However, Klaus had seen her do this before. A genuine smile graced his lips.

          Juliet smirked. "'Cause I got the power like Austin Powers."

~Thank you for reading!~

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