Wrong Genitalia

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Chapter 8- Wrong Genitalia

Third Person P.O.V



          "You think this'll work?" Marcel asked Juliet as she watched people walk the streets of New Orleans.

          She shrugged. "We'll just have to see if he trusts me or not." In truth, she knew at noon exact, Klaus would walk down the street in a pissy mood, walk into the bar where Sophie Deveraux worked at and grill her, then leave less angry, but still pissed. It was only a matter of time.

          This would prove to Marcel that Juliet was on his side and on the outs with her 'brother'. She had heard him talking to his 'friends' about his problem with Niklaus. She was smirking to herself when he was talking about himself as king, but she knew some of the Nightwalkers were not fully sided with Marcel anymore. Klaus's demonstration of power over the 'King' with Thierry made some of them scared. Seems that being of the 'werewolf bite cure's' side has some perks. Or so they thought.

          And exactly as she predicted, Niklaus briskly walked down the street and into the restaurant. Marcel smiled as he looked at Juliet. She could still sense his lust and it made her repulsed. He was not on any terms her type. She didn't like his attitude and definitely didn't like the way he beat the witches down to the point that they couldn't practice the one thing they were created to be able to do.

          Every time she looked him in the eye and he smiled, she wanted to wrap her hand around his neck and keep squeezing until his head popped off like a toy.

          The same look of lust and now curiosity mixed in his eyes. "Well now that I know you're willing to help us to get rid of Klaus, I want you to meet a few people." He began to walk and jump over the balcony and to the street. She followed. Though she had hoped that there would suddenly be a car and he got hit.

          However, that didn't happen.

          They ended up at the Originals old home. Vampires stood around in the courtyard. All of them stopped talking once they walked in. All eyes were on them.

          "It's cool guys. She's here to help." An understanding look crossed over their faces. They seemed to know what he meant and a man with a hat walked up to her. Thierry. Juliet almost laughed as she remember that this was the man that Klaus bit as a 'demonstration of power' to Marcellus his first day in New Orleans.

          Discrete was not the male Hybrid's way of life.

          "What's up, T?" Marcel asked, his voice lighthearted. Thierry looked at Juliet for a long moment and then to Marcel. Distrust of the female Hybrid was deemed clear on his face. Even if she were human, she would be able to feel the hatred in the one look he gave her.

          Marcel nodded as if to say 'go on'.

          "Klaus fell for it. He walked in looking for Sophie and demanding she tells him about The Harvest. She didn't say anything and he knew he couldn't kill her. Your rules and all. Seems like we can trust her." Thierry looked doubtful about his last sentence as he jerked his finger in Juliet's direction.

          Juliet smiled. The smile was directed at Thierry and he could tell just from this small encounter, he wasn't going to like her at all.


          "Well that worked better than expected." Hayley said as she sat in the chair, her hair on one shoulder and her hands protectively crossed against her baby bump. "What next?" She asked no one in particular as Juliet, Klaus, and Elijah all stood in one of the offices.

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