Family from the past.

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-Emma's POV-

"Mum, dad. I'm pregnant." I suddenly breathed out. I was more than sure they would support me with this, but when i saw the look on their faces i soon realised that wasn't true at all.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" My dad screeched, his eyes widening. My mum stood there with disbelief in her eyes.

"I'm sorry dad." I said tears filling up in my eyes. I really couldn't believe this myself. I'm 17. I've only just left school! I wasn't even ready for a baby! I couldn't handle my own life never mind someone else's. Someone even more fragile.

"GET OUT!" My dad screamed as he pointed towards the door. "I'M NOT BEEING SEEN WITH SOME SLUT! I WILL NOT BE SEEN AS THAT! DON'T EVER COME BACK!!!" This time he was pushing me out the door. My mum just stood there, doing nothing. My own mother didn't even stop this. He slammed the door in my face before locking it. I knew it was no good. But i had to tell my boyfriend, he would help me through it right? It's worth a try. I made my way down the road slightly shivering. For April it was still quite cold. My galaxy jumper finished thigh length and i was wearing black leggings with my galaxy high converse. It was a perfect outfit for this weather. Before i knew it i was at the front door of my boyfriend and I's house. Just as i approached the door my boyfriend came out. His face full of anger.

"Mike, what's happened?" I questioned worriedly. His jaw was clenched and his fists were balled up. He opened the door a little more revealing an already packed suitcase that appeared to be mine?

"Don't ever come back. I don't want anything to do you with you or that thing inside of you!" He spat between gritted teeth. This time i didn't hesitate to let the tears spill one by one they made their way flowing down my cheek.

"Mike, please. This is your baby. We can make this work!" I said reassuringly, making my way closer to him.

"No! I don't want things to work! That thing inside of you isn't mine! Either you have an abortion or you leave? Which one is it?" He said looking intensely into my eyes. I have never seen Mike so angry. It honestly scared me more than anything.

"I-I can't... This is my baby. I can't lose her or him. They're depending on me. This is their future i could destroy. I have to have this baby. Mike I-" Before i could even finish my sentence he spoke up.

"Leave. Don't ever come back. I never want to see you again!" He shouted at me handing me the suitcase and slamming the door in my face. The tears only streamed down my face even more than before. What was i suppose to do now? I was homeless and pregnant. How was i even suppose to raise a baby with no house, no money or food to provide? How was i supposed to do this?

I made my way down to the cafè i visited everyday to get my mind off things. It was practically like a second home to me, i spent so much time here and i was even friends with every single waiter that worked in that place! Making my way into the cafè i heard the little bell ring as i walked through the door with my suitcase trailing behind me. The cafè was fairly empty with a few regular customers that i recognised. The usuals for the streets of London. I made my way to the till to be greeted by the friendly face of Nathan who had worked here a long time. He gave me a sympathetic look noticing my suitcase before looking up back at me.

"Hey Em! The usual?" He asked giving me a small smile tilting his head a little to the side like a lost puppy. All i could do was give him a gentle nod before handing him the usual amount of money and making my way into my own separate booth. I probably looked a state with red puffy eyes and mascara running down my cheeks. I looked a wreck but i really couldn't careless right now. My life was a mess. It wasn't long before my hot chocolate was delivered to me, i said a quick 'thank you' before sipping on my hot drink. Right then i felt the vibrate of my phone indicating i had an incoming call.

17 and pregnant //Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now