I love her Louis.

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•Niall's POV•

She was beautiful. Emma had been staying with us as her parents had kicked her out for being pregnant. Even her boyfriend left her, he was the one who got her pregnant then he doesn't even support her with what she's going through. Class A dick right there. I know it's strange to say this since Emma has only been here a day but i really do like her... Ever since i lay eyes on her, she was breath taking. i didn't know how someone so perfect could be in my presence! They way her bleach blonde hair with pink ends flowed passed her shoulders, those beautiful ocean blue eyes. Her smile that could light up the darkest day. she was perfect and i wanted her to be mine, it didn't faze me that she was pregnant! Hell, i wish i was the dad. I just want to be able to sit there and show the world she's mine and not have to hold my feeling back. I want to be living a life with her and the baby, she was like my craving that i needed so badly.

We were currently sat downstairs watching movies. Louis had asked Eleanor to stay around, they were always snuggling up together, laughing and kissing. It was the kind of relationship i wanted with Emma. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder. Turning my head slightly i noticed it was Louis.

"What's up mate?" I asked Louis with a smile.

"Can we speak in the kitchen a minute." He asked before moving from his position next to Eleanor. I nodded my head and followed him into the kitchen. His face didn't seem too happy, more sad in a way. What was up with him?

"Look Nialler, i know you like Emma. Me and El are the only people to actually notice it, but i can see by the way you look at her you want something more than a friendship." he said sounding concerned. I nodded my head a bit embarrassed.

"I do like her Louis... I just didn't realise I made it so obvious." i whispered with my head hanging down.

"Mate, you know that she's pregnant. Are you sure you'll be able to handle having that? You'll be bombarded by the press and you'll have to help raise a kid. You're 19 years old Niall, are you absolutely 100% sure you want to give it a go? I don't want you to say yes then break things off just before she has the baby or anything. Can you at least be friends with her until you're sure of what you want? I don't want my cousin hurt, she doesn't need that mate." Louis said with all seriousness in his voice.

"Lou I don't even need to think twice about this. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to bring up that baby as if it was my own. I love her." i said sternly, i was completely honest. I did mean every word i said. "I'll wait a while though, i don't want to rush into things. Maybe i could just help her through the pregnancy thing? Show her what a good father i could be." I really wanted to be a father to her child, it would make me the happiest person on this planet. Louis nodded slightly before beginning to speak again.

"Okay Niall. I trust you mate, don't fuck it up." Louis said his voice hardening, i nodded before we both made our way back to the living room to finish our movie night.

-2 months later-

It's been over 2 months already since Emma has been staying with us and this is for sure, i am in love with her. She's only 3 months into her pregnancy so things haven't been too bad and the bump is still at a minimum size. Other than the throwing up most mornings things were great, we were much closer than before. We were best friends, i helped with everything and anything she wanted. I was the one that sat with her at 4am in the morning as she was throwing up all over the bathroom. i was the one to gently sooth her back to sleep. I cooked her breakfast every morning and made sure everything was to perfection for her. She deserved only the best. I'm glad we're on that two year break otherwise things would of been harder. I wanted to go home at christmas to visit the family but with Em being due then i might want to go back to Louis'. Even Louis suggested this, which i was surprised about, i didn't want to miss Christmas with my family but i also wanted to make sure i was there for the birth of her child. Well waiting outside along with all the other lads.

"Hi babe." I heard a voice from the door frame say, turning my head i noticed it was Emma. She looked extremely tired. I smiled back at her.

"Hey Princess. You tired?" I asked getting up from my seat and placing my arms around her as did she.

"Yeah." She said sighing a little and stretching a little. "Will you carry me please Niall?" A very tired Emma then asked. I only chuckled at her before picking her up bridal style and carrying her to her room. We were home alone, which was what I preferred just to be in her company. No one else, just me and her. As I lay her in bed, I grabbed the duvet pulling it gently until it reached just beneath her chin. As I was about to walk out the room, I heard a faint whisper.

"Stay with me please, Niall." She said, still with her eyes closed. I didn't say anything, only slipped my way into the space next to her. Before I knew it she had snuggled her way into me with her head on my chest and her hand laying on my stomach. I wrapped my arms around Emma, holding on so tight as if I was afraid of losing her. She soon slipped into a deep sleep, me following shortly after.

A/N; Shitty parts now I know, but it's like 2:30am... So yeah enjoy! Give me a follow on twitter @robyncook_ DM or tweet me your thoughts on this story or any of my others?X

17 and pregnant //Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now