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-Emma's POV-

Niall was currently laying beside me on the hospital bed, which wasn't the most comfortable position seeing as the bed was so small, but it would do for now. We had spent a lot of time just talking about the baby and a lot of our plans for when he comes. The both of us agreed we shouldn't be getting into stupid arguments because he's more than positive that is what caused me to be in this state. He was persuaded that it was him putting stress on me, which I still disagree with. I wouldn't want Niall to blame anything on himself, especially when it comes to me and the baby.

"Niall?" I began to shake the blonde haired boy. No response. "Niall." I started again, he began grumbling a little and stirring in his sleep. "Niall."

"Hmm, what is it babe?" He mumbled.

"What time can I go home?" I asked him, as he knew all these details that I didn't know.

"In 1 hour and a half still." Niall rubbed his eyes, sitting up a little but still cuddled up to me.

"Niall, you know I'm scared?" I suddenly blurted out.

"Scared about what?" He asked, unsure.

"The baby, what if I'm not a good enough mother?" I asked, with worry in my voice.

"There's nothing to be scared of, you're having a baby boy. Be happy! You're not doing it alone!" He comforted. "You're away from that prick now and we're going to look after you and the baby. We're a family." He smiled.

"I'm 17 Niall and my life is fucked up." I sighed.

"Think of it this way, if you never got pregnant you would of never got back in contact with Lou, you and your cousin would still remain strangers. Now you tell me, you want your life back before the baby, before you got pregnant?" I sighed at what he had said.

"I hate when you're right Horan." I stuck my tongue out as he did so back.

"I know, but remember I'm always going to be here to help. I'm not going anywhere now, I won't ever leave you." He said, pulling my body closer to his.

"Do you promise? I don't want to do this on my own Niall." I admitted.

"I promise you baby girl." He whispered in my ear, placing a kiss to my neck then head. "I promise." He repeated in a hushed tone, his hot breath brushing along my neck. I turned my head facing him, our faces inches apart, lips slightly parted. He had began to lean closer and it seemed as it was just Niall and I.

"Miss Tomlinson." The doctor burst through the door, causing me and Niall to jump apart. "Good news, you can now go home. Oh and don't forget to take your medication. Your belongings are at the side of your bed. Take care and you too Mr Horan." He spoke.

"Thank you doctor." Niall politely said and with that the man in the white coat exited. "Do you need any help getting changed?" Niall questioned.

"I could do with help." I smiled as he smiled back.

"I won't look I promise." He said, I took his word for that and had to trust him. He grabbed the bag with all my belonging and removed the gown I was wearing, his eyes concentrating on my face as he did so. He then took out the shirt which was packed in the bag and pulled it over my head, before pulling out a pair of legging, which were also thrown in there. He slid the leggings on me, then grabbed a pair of socks also slipping them on my feet as well as a pair of black Uggs.

"Thank you." I whispered, picking myself off the bed and grabbing my phone, and shoving it in my boot. "Lets go then." I smiled at him, as we laced our hands together exiting the room. Before leaving I had to sign a few papers and then once again me and Niall were on our way, climbing into his car and heading back to the house.

"So your birthday is next week, any plans?" Niall questioned, his eyes on the road.

"Not really, nothing to do." I shrugged, not taking interest in the topic.

"We can go watch a movie or something if you want?" He asked, his eyes flickering to me for a second before back at the road.

"Yeah sure, I'm not really that bothered." I said, honestly.

"Why? You're turning 18, it's a big day for you!" He exclaimed. "Come on, be excited, we'll do something fun!" Niall said a little louder.

"It's nothing to really look forward to. I can't even go out and drink because I have to look out for the baby." I sighed.

"But we can do other things, you don't always have to drink."

"Oh yeah, says you. I've seen all those pictures of you pissed Niall, you seem to need beer to have a good time!" I laughed, as did he.

"What? I just like to loosen up a bit sometimes."

"Yeah, if being carried by Paul into a hotel, talking to your shoes is loosening up then damn Niall, you are living the life." I continued to laugh.

"Oh shut up, that was once! And those pictures were everywhere!" Niall's face began to turn a shade of red, indicating he was embarrassed. "Anyway it won't be happening again." He smirked.

"Whatever you say Horan." I giggled.

"I bet you've been drunk a few times in your life." He said, eyes on me.

"Yeah, but not to the point where I'm off my head." I chuckled, shaking my head at the blonde boy.

"I can't wait to get home now, honestly you've only been in here a day and I want you back home." Niall sighed.

"I want to go home already." I agreed with him.

"Not long now babe." He smiled at me, lacing our hands together.

A/N: I'm going to try and make the next few chapters longer. But don't forget to vote and comment what you think, thank you. :)

17 and pregnant //Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now