Ultra Sound.

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•Emma's POV•

Me and Niall made our way into the tall building, hand in hand every so often he would give my hand a tight squeeze for reassurance. As we entered Niall made his way over to the reception desk, letting me sit down in the waiting area while he spoke to the woman at the desk. Not long after he returned once more, dropping himself in the chair next to me flashing a smile.

"Won't be long." He said before looking off somewhere else.

"Niall, what do you want it to be?" I asked, intrigued at what his answer would be. His face looked deep at thought for a minute before smiling and looking towards me again.

"I'd love for it to be a boy." He said smiling before continuing. "That way I can teach him everything he needs to know." Niall bit his lip, before looking down at his hands shyly. The fact he had wanted to be like a father to my child made my heart melt. I only smiled before interlocking our hands together. His lips parted as if he was going to say something but quickly shut when we heard my name being called.

"That's us." I said smiling. Niall let go of my hand, staying seated as I got up making my way to the ultrasound. I frowned at him before speaking. "Aren't you coming?" I asked, confused.

"You want be to come with?" He said, questioning. Niall's grin got bigger as he quickly picked himself off the chair dashing towards me.

"Of course I do, wouldn't want to do it without you." I said, smiling up at him before he laced our hands together once again, giving me that strange but warm feeling. Together we made our way to the ultra sound room, closing the door behind us.

"Emma." The doctor smiled up at me as he was positioned next to a machine. "Take a seat." He said, gesturing to the chair in front of him. I made my way over, Niall's hands not leaving mine. "How far along are you now?"

"5 months." I said smiling at the bump I now had.

"And this must be your boyfriend." He said pointing towards Niall. I blushed as did he.

"No, i'm not the father." Niall said awkwardly.

"Oh i'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it awkward."

"It's fine." I nervously chuckled, giving Niall a small smile. He kissed my head before turning his attention back to the doctor.

"Shall we then?" He said as he began getting out his equipment, I nodded slightly before he began to speak again. "This might feel a little cold." He said as he lift my shirt up revealing the bump and rubbing the gel on. The coldness made me shudder as I winced a little. He was running the little machine over my stomach before he turned the screen towards me to reveal a tiny figure laying there. My baby. I smiled as I saw the baby, laying there peacefully, soon that baby would be here in my arms. "You're baby looks very healthy. Do you want to know what gender the baby is?" The doctor asked, I bit my lip and looked up at Niall he gave me a small nod.

"Yes please." I said transfixing my gaze back to the doctor. He smiled before turning back to the screen in front of me.

"You'll be having a boy." The words ran through my head. My son was in my stomach. I was taking care of my little boy. I couldn't help but let the tears slip down my face, with a huge smile on my face. I looked at Niall to see tears also filling his eyes. He leaned down kissing my face in every place possible, which caused me to giggle. Before I heard the doctors voice again.

"I'll get you a copy of the scan then you're good to go." He said making his way out of the room, as a nurse came in wiping the gel off my stomach.

"A boy. We're having a boy." Niall said in happiness. He just said 'We're' as in our baby. His eyes quickly widened as he also realised what he had just said. "I mean-" Before he could say anything else I cut him off.

"Don't correct yourself. You can call him our baby." I said smiling, as did he placing a kiss to my cheek again and again. The doctor handed me two pictures of the ultra sound as I handed one to Niall. The one I held would be going in the scrapbook all the boys and Dani, El and Perrie had made for me, along with the previous ultrasounds.

"Thank you." Niall said thanking the man standing in front of him while shaking his hand.

"No problem. Make sure to bring her back when she's at 7 months that's the final check-up. And look after her." He said sternly as the two men loosened their grip Niall smiled before speaking.

"Of course." The doctor nodded before leaving the room. Niall came over helping me up and leading me out the building and into the car before jogging around and climbing into the car on his side. Quickly starting the engine and making his way out of the car park. We didn't speak at all until Niall broke the silence. "Our baby boy." He said grinning from ear to ear, which also caused me to have a huge grin on my face.

"I can't wait to tell the others." I said, placing my hand on the bump. "Not long now baby." I smiled, as I was talking to my baby boy, something I would do quite often. I caught Niall glancing every so often a small smile creeping on his lips as I would converse with the baby. Not long after I found the car parking up in the front drive. Niall quickly ran to my side helping me out the car and to the door. The door clicked open and I was immediately met by Zayn. He picked me up once again this time groaning.

"Jesus Em." He said as he ran into the living room gently placing me on the couch where everyone else was sat all staring intently at me. "Now come on, is it a girl or boy?" He said jumping up and down in his seat.

"Calm down Zayn." I said chuckling while Niall dropped himself down next to me. "You sure you want to know?" I asked teasingly, grinning.

"Tell us!" Louis screamed at the top of his voice.

"It's a.. boy." I said smiling as all the boys jumped up cheering as the girls squealed.

"We're having a boy!" Harry screamed. "Well you are. But we'll have a baby in the house!" He said gesturing towards me, I laughed at his stupidness. Once all the boys settled down again and were all placed down Zayn's voice gentle voice spoke up again.

"Do you want to hear the names we came up with then Em?" He asked, I smiled nodding. Before he picked up a sheet of paper, beginning to read out some names.

"Zayn." He said smirking.

"We can't have two Zayn's." Louis said.

"Fine. Dylan." He said. I looked at Niall before we both nodded in disagreement. "Billie." He continued earning another funny look from the both of us. "Riley?" Zayn kept listing name after name before he came to one I really liked. Pretending not to like any of them I disagreed with all of them. I wanted the baby's name to be a surprise to all of them, it was a name that i'm sure they'd all love, especially Niall. I smiled to myself. "Well that's all of them and I guess you liked none of them." Zayn said a bit upset.

"No Zayn they were beautiful names, just none I thought would suit my baby. Don't worry Malik, we'll find the perfect name." I said giving him a small smile. He smiled back laying the sheet on the table as everyone sighed a bit.

"I best be going." Perrie said. "Got rehearsals again tomorrow." She said groaning as she dug her head into the crook of Zayn's neck. They shared a quick kiss as we all said our goodbyes to Perrie.

"Lets watch a movie then!" Louis' voice boomed through the house, breaking the silence. Everyones mood seemed a little down and I didn't really blame them. Seeing as it was only 12:00pm now we had a long day ahead of us still. We all snuggled up. Me sat in between Zayn and Niall, as Zayn had his arm wrapped around me as I leaned into him. Niall kept glancing over every so often, making me wish I was snuggled up to him instead. I shrugged it off, before turning back to the movie. Half way through the movie Harry's voice caused everyone to jump.

"Em, we have to go shopping remember? Like you said." Harry said pouting, I nodded remembering our agreement glancing at the clock I noticed it was only 1:00pm enough time to go shopping.

"Of course. We better get going then Harold." I said, lifting myself up with a bit of help from Harry who had a huge smile planted on his face.

"What time will you be back?" I heard Louis voice shout before we left.

"When we're finished." Harry shouted back before closing the door behind us and helping me into the car. Then getting in on his side before starting the car and making his way to the local shopping centre. We pulled up and both climbed out the car, dashing towards the closest baby store. Making our way in Harry looked around before moving over to the boy's clothes. Picking out things like baby grows, small jumpers and chinos. Even the occasional beanie to match the clothing. He then made his way over to the shoes as we picked out, toms, converse and blazers. We came along a pair of Supra's which Niall would love to see him wearing, I threw them in the basket too. We then dashed towards all the things we would also need, like bottles, plates, spoons and diapers, throwing a load in. Harry also picked out a little blanket which had a small bird sewn into the corner. After a good amount of shopping we payed.

"Harry, you can't pay for all of this!" I said in shock as the price had come up to £200.

"Yes I can. I'm paying for my best friend." He said smiling slipping his credit back into his wallet.

"Thank you Harry." I said placing a kiss onto his cheek. We made our way out of the store walking through the shopping centre before I spotted the Disney store. Harry had also noticed it as he gripped my hand and dragged me towards it. We both ran in looking around in amazement. We were both 17 and 19 year olds and we were still amused by Disney. Harry looked around at all the teddy's that were jotted all around the area. My eyes landed on the Toy Story character something that Liam would love. Harry picked up the pink bear which smelt of strawberries. before making his way over to the Lion King characters. I smiled, as Lion King had to be my favourite Disney movie. He picked up a small lion Simba and then Kiara before walking over to the till with all the stuffed animals, picking up a small elephant I recognised as Dumbo. Harry's favourite Disney movie, I smiled to myself before Harry turned to me.

"He'll love these." He said paying as we thanked the woman at the till and walked out the shop. "There's one more place we need to go." Harry said gripping my hand once again and dragging me towards a store. As we got closer the store soon came into sight. Build A Bear. I chuckle as we made our way into the shop he immediately made his way over to pick out a teddy of his choice. He picked up a monkey before making his way over to stuff him. Once that was done he picked out the sound the bear would make, picking the 'What Makes You Beautiful' theme tune and getting it sewn together. He picked out a few outfits which consisted of One Direction shirts. I giggled at his outfit choice before he made his way to pay for the bear. We made our way out the store only to be met by flashing lights. The paparazzi.

"Shit. Stay close." Harry said pulling me in closer to his side as I held onto him tightly. Questions being thrown at us asking who I was, if me and Harry were dating. I ignored all of them before we got to Harry's car. I quickly climbed in before Harry had to push his way to his side. Once he finally got in we both let out a breath we'd been holding.

"Jesus Christ. What is wrong with people? You guys get no privacy what so ever." I said in exhaustion. He chuckled.

"Crazy right." He said starting the car and beeping at the people that were currently crowding the car. He carefully drove out being careful not hit anyone as we made our way back to the house.

A/N: Longer chapter yay! Enjoy. :)x

17 and pregnant //Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now