Hospital Beds.

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-Niall's POV-

I couldn't believe what I had said to Emma... It was never like me to lash out like that, never. But I had and I knew exactly why. I was extremely jealous of her and Zayn's relationship. She slept with Zayn last night instead of me and it really did get to me. I walked into her room last night, only to find an empty bed and giggles coming from upstairs. I didn't know what else to think... What else was there for me to think? They got on so well and I didn't like the thought of her loving someone who isn't me, I didn't like that at all. I explained it to Louis after he had calmed down, I honestly think I deserved that punch he threw at me which had left me with a split lip, that he was awfully proud of. He thinks I should talk to Emma, which didn't really work out too well earlier when she just shouted at me telling me she never wanted to see me again. That really did break me and that's when I finally broke. I let all my emotions out as I burst into tears right there, in front of all the lads.

"Mate, are you crying?" Harry asked, the boys had never seen me cry over a girl before... I had never actually cried over a girl, sometimes over hate and little things like that, but never over a girl that I was madly in love with.

"Woah, woah! He's crying?" Louis confirmed as Zayn nodded towards him, I covered my eyes embarrassed that they all saw me like this but when I looked up Louis was gone.

"She won't open up the door." Louis shook his head sitting back down with us.

"Get Dani over here or something?" Harry suggested knowing about the problems Zayn had with Perrie and that Eleanor couldn't make it over today.

"She's working today." Liam stated. "Niall, why don't you try talking to her?" He then suggested. Oh yeah, the person she hated more than anything should try talk to her. Fucking clever, Liam.

"Go on." Louis urged, nodding his head towards the door. I groaned pushing myself from the seat and towards her bedroom. I stood outside the door, debating on weather she would really want to see me right now. I know I wouldn't, if someone had been like that towards me. Finally pushing myself to do it, I gently knocked on her door. Nothing. I gave a few more knocks, but the room remained silent. My patience was never really that good and my knocks gained more force and still there was nothing. Deciding that I now had a lot to say to her, I began to ram myself into the door. Each push getting harder until finally the door had broke off it's hinges.

"Look Emma-" I began but soon stop my sentence when I witnessed something extremely unexpected. There in the sheets lay a still Emma. blood spread around her body. The baby. There had to be something wrong with the baby! "Louis! Get the fuck in here!" I shouted, my voice deeper as I made my way over to the body, checking for a pulse which I luckily found.

"What do you want?" Louis asked, but immediately shut up when he saw Emma's body covered with blood. "Is she okay?" Louis rushed out, his voice becoming quiet.

"She's breathing, but we need to get her to the hospital. I think there's something wrong with the baby." I admitted, Louis nodded his head as I picked up her body and began towards the car.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked as me and Louis ran towards my car, all the boys were clearly startled.

"Just get Liam to drive you to the hospital." I demanded, placing Emma in the back seat of the car, Louis climbing in with her. I ran to the front, climbing in the drivers seat and starting the engine. I drove out the driveway and sped off towards the hospital making sure to ring the hospital before hand and informing them on our arrival. Me and Louis both rushed out the car, calling for help straight away. Nurses rushed to our side as I helped the still body onto a bed.

"Thank you Mr Horan. We can take it from here." A nurse said, rushing her off, leaving me and Louis taken back by what was happening.

"I'm so sorry Louis." I said, letting tears slip down my cheeks.

17 and pregnant //Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now