On My Way.

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-Emma's POV-

"Dadda, come p-pway wif me." I heard Bobby call from the living room. I walked into join him, only to see Niall already there, sitting on the floor with Bobby beside him. "Mummy, come pway wif me and daddy." Bobby spoke, Niall's grin widening.

"Come on mummy, come pway with daddy and Bobby." Niall pouted, causing me to laugh. I placed a kiss to his lips, before settling down next to the both of them and crossing my legs.

"Louis and El are coming over tonight." I spoke, mostly directing to Niall. "And Liam and Dani will be back soon.

"Auntie El and uncle Lou!" Bobby's eyes brightened at the sudden mention of their names.

"Yes baby." I smiled. Tonight was Niall's party and so far everyone was coming, apart from Zayn and Perrie who still hadn't got back to us. "Do you want me to give Zayn another call?" I asked Niall as he looked towards me, smiling and nodded. I got up and walked back into the kitchen, pulling my phone from my pocket. I have always had Zayn's number on speed dial, I quickly dialed his number before holding the phone to my ear. I heard it ring on the other side for a little while, until finally Zayn's voice spoke on the other end.

"Em?" Zayn's voice echoed, as a smile spread to my face.

"Zaynie." I simply replied, hearing him chuckle on the other end. "How are you?" I asked, creating small chat.

"I'm alright actually. You?" He confirmed, politely. I smiled to think just of how far we had all come and how quickly 2 years had gone by.

"Missing my best friend. When are you home? Harry and Niall are missing you immensely same with Bobby!" I almost whined, as what I said was true. Zayn moved out a few months ago with Perrie, while Louis had done with Eleanor. Liam and Danielle had gone on holiday for a few weeks, but were sure to be back in a few hours. It had only been me, Niall, Harry and Bobby in the house for an extremely long time.

"I miss you too Em, but trust me we're going back to work soon, that means you will be seeing a lot more of me." He laughed, causing me to join him.

"Are you coming tonight, you and Perrie?" I questioned. "Only I saw you wished Niall a happy birthday on twitter but you hadn't got hold of us for a while." I then continued.

"Things have been kind of busy with Perrie and that. Of course we'll be there tonight, wouldn't miss Niall's birthday for the world." Zayn answered, as I smiled to his response.

"I'll see you tonight then Zaynie." I happily sang. "Bye."

"See you tonight Emmy!" He cheered, before I clicked the end button, putting my phone back down onto the side. "Nialler!" I slightly raised my voice.

"What's wrong babe?" Niall asked, looking slightly worried as I walked through into the living room. "Is there a reason you're grinning so wide it looks as if your cheeks will stretch?" He chuckled. I nodded.

"Zayn and Perrie are coming tonight!" I announced as his eyes brightened at the mention of the two.

"Thank god for that, I was beginning to think he wasn't coming." He sighed, as I nodded in agreement.

"Will you go and get you and Bobby ready for tonight?" I asked Niall, he quickly sprung into action.

"Come on little man, lets get you ready for daddy's party." He spoke, picking Bobby up from the floor and into his arms, rushing off.

"We're home!" I heard a manly voice call from the front door. I poked my head around the corner, only to see Liam and Danielle walking through.

"Leeyum!" I screeched, pulling him into a tight hug. Then doing the same with Danielle. "How was your holiday?" I asked, as they set their bags down in the hall.

"It was amazing, Liam sure knows how to treat a girl." Dani spoke, placing a kiss to Liam's cheek. "Where's Bobby and Niall?" She then questioned, her eyes scanning the room.

"Niall's getting Bobby ready for tonight." I smiled. "And Harry is out with Nick, seeing as he's off to LA soon. He'll be back before the party." I confirmed.

"I suppose we better go get ready then Li. And you too Em." Danielle implied, pointing one finger at me. I chuckled as the couple rushed off. I walked down the hall and into my room, which I was sharing with Niall. Niall was sat on the bed, with Bobby in his arms as he began to put on the Supra's Niall had bought him for his birthday.

"Are you ready Bobby?" I asked, his head snapping towards me and nodding.

"Daddy all finished." He spoke, Niall gently putting him down onto the bed. I smiled and sat beside Niall.

"You better get ready too babe. Bobby, should we help Mummy pick something nice for tonight?" Niall directed to Bobby, his head bouncing up and down in excitement. He slid off the bed and rushed to my wardrobe looking through the selection of dresses on show.

"I like this one Mummy." Bobby said, pulling on a blue dress. It was knee length and completely strapless. My eyes widened as I noticed which dress it was.

"I like that one too." Niall smirked, seeming all too familiar with it. I had wore it once when I had gone on a date with Niall, it had to of been one of our best dates.

"Thanks Bobby, Dani and Liam are home." I smiled, his eyes brightening. "Go say hello." I nodded towards the door as he waddled out of the room in search of Danielle and Liam. I walked into the bathroom to get changed into the dress.

"You don't always have to walk off into the bathroom to get dressed, we've been dating for 2 years now. I know what your body looks like." I heard Niall call out to me. "It reminds me of when you used to do it when I first met you and you were still 17." He continued, I smiled at the thought.

"And now you're 21 and I'm 19.. We have a beautiful baby boy, crazy how the time flies." I said, fixing my dress in the mirror. I walked back out, to see Niall's mouth drop.

"You look beautiful." He spoke, his eyes widened still.

"I don't look any different. Could you straighten my hair for me?" I asked, knowing he always loved to do my hair for me.

"I'd love to." He smiled, coming behind me and plugging my straighteners in. I began to apply my make-up whilst waiting for the straighteners to heat up. "You don't need that baby." I heard Niall whisper into my ear, placing a kiss just below my ear lobe. He began to travel down my neck, leaving wet kisses until he got to my shoulders as he placed soft, delicate kisses.

"Niall." I warned, as he drew back with a smirk on his face. I finished off my make-up and he set off on doing my hair.

A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated in forever :( I've been so busy and I just haven't had time! This is a bit of a filler but next chapter will be interesting. Thank you for staying and reading. I love you guys. :)x

17 and pregnant //Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now