Christmas Day.

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-Niall's POV-

It was currently 1am and I'm happy to say Emma had given birth to our baby boy and we were together! The name she has chosen for our baby was in fact... Bobby. I couldn't wait to tell my dad, she knew it was a name that I would love. Bobby James Tomlinson. I love it and I couldn't wait until one day I would make his name Bobby James Horan. The day that I maybe finally marry Emma. The baby was cleared and healthy, being born over 10 hours ago, the doctors had said that he was healthy enough to go home, as they also didn't want us to miss out on Christmas. Everyone had met at the hospital but had gone home around 10ish to get some rest. Jay had said she would stay with my family in the house we were currently staying at whilst all the boys had gone home to their families returning in a week or so. It's just going to be me, Em and Louis for a while spending time with our parents and siblings. Greg and Denise had taken Theo back home and weren't going to be spending Christmas with us.

"Come on baby, let's get home." I spoke gently to Emma, picking up Bobby and wrapping him up tightly with a blanket. Thank god Louis was still here to drive, so I could hold Bobby whilst Emma got some rest.

"He's beautiful, just like his mother." Louis smiled, looking down at little Bobby, who was falling asleep. I grinned at the little boy, who I had fallen madly in love with. I could teach him so many things, I could run around the back garden with him, I could teach him guitar. I could treat this boy as my son and that made me so happy.

"His mother's not so beautiful now, whilst looking like this." Emma said pointing to herself, she looked exhausted. Her hair was messy and she was quite pale, with dark bags under her eyes.

"You're perfect." I smiled, kissing her on the cheek and looking back down to Bobby. I couldn't wait to tell my family the baby's name! "Bobby James Tomlinson." I sighed, a wide smile on my face.

"I love the name, I see why you kept it a surprise missy." Louis smirked. It made me blush a little.

"Do you want to hold Bobby?" I asked Emma, only noticing she was fast asleep.

"She's exhausted after today." Louis spoke as I nodded in response.

"I can't believe she named him after my dad and used my middle name! It's the most amazing thing ever, Lou and I can finally call her mine!" I rushed, completely excited and enthusiastic. I was still in shock and every little thing this girl did made my heart flutter. I couldn't deny it, I was falling even more in love with this girl, if it was even possible. He smiled at me, keeping his eyes on the road, before turning into the drive. All the lights in the house were still on, indicating our parents were up. This was it, time to tell my family about me and Em and the baby's name. Bobby James Tomlinson. We all walked in, Emma slowly trailing behind us. I was literally so excited to be finally home. "Come on Em!" I almost began jumping on the spot, from excitement. She wrapped an arm around my waist, making a smile re-appear on my face.

"I'm coming babe." She whispered, making chills run down my entire body. Louis opened the door for us, my dad, mum and Jay standing up immediately. Me and Emma walked closer to them and an immediate grin appeared on their face.

"Em!" Jay almost screamed, as quietly as she could. She rushed over to Emma, bringing her into a warm hug. My mum and dad also walked over, pulling Emma into an embrace.

"How are you love?" My mum asked, she was really beginning to like this girl. My dad immediately came towards me, asking to hold the baby in which I agreed.

"What's his name?" My dad asked, a wide grin on his face. Bobby wasn't even my child, but he seemed to be excited for me and Emma both.

"You'll find out soon." I smiled, my dad gave me a warm smile back. "So guys, me and Emma have something to tell you." I began to get butterflies once again. My dad was still holding Bobby and Emma had her arm wrapped around my waist, mine tightly around her shoulder.

"We wanted to just tell you that, me and Niall are dating." Emma breathed out, everyone else cheering making a wide smile play on both of our faces. "And, the baby's name. Our baby's name." She then began. All eyes were on us and Louis gave us both a thumbs up with a cheeky grin. "Bobby James Tomlinson." She sighed, seeming as happy as she could right now.

"Bobby?" My dad confirmed, she nodded in agreement. His face lit up and he brought her into a tight hug. I could see the tears slipping down his cheek, as they were Emma's. "This is the best thing I could ever ask for. I'm so happy for you and Niall." He then started, making me blush.

"Thank you." Emma spoke, as my dad's eyebrows knitted together in confusion as did mine. Jay was currently holding Bobby, whilst Louis admired him.

"What for?" He asked, as we waited for her answer. She looked to me and a warm smile spread across her face.

"Raising an incredibly caring son, who I am slowly but gradually falling in love with." She blushed, making a blush creep onto my face. I immediately, gently grabbed Emma, turning her towards me and forcing my lips onto hers. At first she was shocked, but her lips soon reacted with mine, our lips moving in sync, this was sure to be an amazing Christmas.

A/N: So I hope you all had an amazing Christmas yesterday! If you celebrate it. Enjoy this chapter, thank you so much for 3.8K. I love you guys so much. :)x

17 and pregnant //Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now