Chapter 2

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Kai was lost.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. He knew he was in his palace in New Beijing, but where exactly he was in the palace was a toss up. He had been led around the halls of his home the entire day until they started to blur together. Now he was in a nameless hall in an unknown wing. He hoped his companions knew the way back to the Great Hall because he was hopeless alone. One look at his clock told him he was due for another diplomatic greeting in ten minutes.

Kai glanced up at his friends that had been wandering around with him the entire day. Winter was studying the walls behind him in wonder. Jacin stood right behind her, a palm placed firmly on her back in a protective gesture, but he was smiling for a change and every once in a while he would whisper something in her ear. Luckily, Wolf was also along, and he made sure nothing got too sappy. He was standing in as Kai's personal body guard today while the rest of the guard protected the new guests and checked to make sure they were all who they said they were. Many Lunars were attending the wedding. Glamours were not allowed, so the guards were all using special cameras to check the identities of each guest that arrived.

With one last look around the hallway for anything familiar, Kai turned to Wolf, "Do you have any idea where we are Wolf?" He asked. His cheeks turned red at being lost in his own home. This was not a problem normal people had.

Wolf only smirked at the embarrassed prince, "I know the way Kai, but next time you need to be paying more attention,"

"I know, I've just had a lot on my mind recently,"

Wolf's expression softened, "I know how that is. I was a real control freak before Scarlet's and my wedding. You just have to remember what it all means. What are you worried about?" He asked as they began walking down the hall behind them. Winter and Jacin followed close behind.

"I'm worried that the diplomats will condemn the wedding because I'm marrying a cyborg. I'm worried the decorations are going to offend someone from a different nation. I'm worried Torin is going to die of an anxiety attack from all the things I have been asking him to do. I'm worried Cinder's cyborg arm my rip her dress, and then we would have to find a dress maker at this late hour. I'm worried Scarlet might bring a gun to the wedding and scare half the guests. I'm worried..." He paused for a moment, because if he was being honest, he wasn't actually that worried about any of those things. There was something else that worried him much more.

No, what Kai worried about most was Cinder. He worried she would change her mind. He worried she would decide being Empress of the Common Wealth was too much for her. Most of all, he would hurt her by pulling her through the hardships of governing with him. He could not live with himself if he hurt Cinder in any way.

As if she sensed his unease, Winter placed a hand on his shoulder, "Do not fret Emperor Kai. This wedding will be a truly happy day for everyone. Everything will be perfect," she sent friendly thoughts to him with her lunar gift, and while it was still strange to have the princess use it, the feelings did help relax him.

Jacin nodded in agreement with Winter, "I'm sure she'll show up Kai," he said. It was meant to be reassuring, but it only made Kai more nervous. Thorne had better get her here safely. Why did he trust that no-good pilot to fly her to New Beijing anyway?

They finally turned into the Great Hall and Kai breathed a small sigh of relief. The guards were just now opening the doors to welcome the next set of diplomats. The president of the American Republic and his family smiled and chattered excitedly. While they lived in a large mansion, they were certainly impressed by an actual palace, and Kai smiled proudly while he tried not to remember getting lost in it a minute before.

President Vargas stepped right up to Kai shook his hand firmly and wildly. "It's great to meet you Emperor Kaito, and may I just say congratulations on nullifying your previous marriage to a lunar queen to marry an ex-lunar queen," Vargas boomed. He smirked at his joke, and Kai began to understand where Thorne got his sense of humor.

"A real beautiful palace you have here. A real beauty. We sure don't have any palaces in America. No sir, monarchies and palaces do not work well for us, no sir. The American people have always been free spirited. They never submit to an overbearing monarch. Not that all monarchs are overbearing Your Highness, I only meant it's not in their mindset to blindly follow the will of one man. Not that you only act on your own volition and not that your people are blind, I know that you must have many advisors..."

Kai internally groaned. Americans talked too much. He held out his palm to stop the babbling president and gave him a respectful bow.

"As much as I would love to stay and debate the pros and cons of the different types of governmental systems all day with you President Vargas, I am on a very tight schedule, and I must show you to your room before my fiancée arrives this afternoon."

Kai felt a shiver run down his spine at the mention of fiancée, but he tried to bury it for the moment.

Focus on being the Emperor right now Kai, he told himself.

Vargas obliged and led his party behind Kai to their designated hall of the palace. The Americans gaped at the ancient Chinese architecture mixed with the modern stylings, but Kai just looked straight ahead and put one foot in front of the other until they were in the designated American hall. A red, white, and blue banner hung from the rafters welcoming the guests. President Vargas gave the flag a little salute before turning to Kai.

"Thank you Emperor Kaito. I wish you well with the rest of the wedding plans. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance,"

"Of course President Vargas. Enjoy your stay here in New Beijing," with that Kai left the president and braced himself.

Because the next person he would meet was his bride to be.

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