Chapter 9

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Cinder pulled away from Kai a lot sooner than she would have liked, but she supposed that at a wedding the kisses had to be short or else the audience would feel a little awkward.

The crowds in the chapel were cheering. Thorne and Iko were especially loud in joining them, but she did notice all their friends were at least clapping, and even Jacin was smiling. President Vargas was certainly the loudest with his large hands making thunderous claps and his deep voice booming over the others. The queen of the United Kingdom sat near Vargas clapping politely though obviously startled his volume.

Cinder saw many reporters and newsfeed cameras summarizing the events of the ceremony thus far during this short break in the ceremony. Behind her servants and coordinators changed the scene on the altar. Prime Minister Kamin was rushed off to her place near the rest of the Earthen Leaders while Torin and Kai were whisked up to her former spot. Kai was given the emperor's crown to wear, and Torin an official advisor's sash. Coordinators shoved a staff into Cinder's flesh hand and a round container into her cyborg one. A new head coordinator for the coronation gave the chapel one final once-over before nodding to the cameras and then to Kai and Torin.

This was Cinder's least favorite part of the day. If there was one downside to marrying Kai it was the looming responsibility of becoming a monarch once again. Her few years as Queen of Luna had not been terrible, if anything they had given her more confidence that she could be empress of the Commonwealth one day, but they had been exhausting. Between meetings and press conferences and wardrobe arrangements and public appearances, Cinder soon discovered she never wanted to rule a country by herself ever again.

So this time, she would run a country with Kai, and she was confident she could do it. It felt right. She would do anything for him, even become empress, and when she had decided that for herself over 3 years ago she knew she loved him. What else but love could convince her to do something as crazy as this?

"People of Earth and Luna, thank you for joining us on this joyful day of celebration," Kai began. His voice was full of authority, but charming just the same. "Just moments ago I married former queen of Luna Selene Blackburn, and now, as following proper protocol, she will be crowned empress before the panel of leaders of the Earthen Union and all the citizens of Earth watching this broadcast,"

"Selene, please kneel," commanded Torin, a twinkle in his eye. Cinder bent down on to one knee, careful not to pull her wedding dress in any wrong direction.

Kai continued, "Do you, Selene Blackburn of the former kingdom and now republic of Luna, pledge to uphold the needs and wishes of the people of the Eastern Commonwealth and the entire Earthen Union? Do you promise to claim the people of the Commonwealth as your own upon your marriage to its emperor? Do you promise to never misuse your authority or use it for evil? Will you pledge your life to the good of the Eastern Commonwealth of the Earthen Union as its Empress?"

Kai nodded encouraging in Cinder's direction as she turned to face the audience and the entire world. Surprising herself, her voice came out clear and strong, "I Selene Blackburn promise to do these things as Empress of the Commonwealth."

There was a sort of finality to her statement, and Cinder knew there was no going back from there. She could no longer be a simple mechanic in the New Beijing palace or a quiet retired revolutionary. But somehow, Cinder did not want to be those things anymore. Instead, she found that as nervous as she had been about the whole thing, she actually wanted to be empress. It was a heavy title with lots of strings attached, no doubt, but if Kai's title was emperor, then empress was going to be hers.

Kai grinned at Cinder when she turned back to face him. Thorne emerged from behind Torin and Kai with a pillow in hand. Atop the velvet sat a decadent tiara, the empress's crown. With careful hands Thorne removed it from it's protective pillow and placed it on Cinder's meticulously styled hair.

When Cinder shot him a questioning look he whispered back, "You didn't think I'd miss this perfect opportunity to pick your tiara did you?"

Cinder had to stifle a laugh, but it wasn't so hard because she was so focused on balancing the heavy crown on her head.

Kai continued his official spiel, "Friends," he said as Cinder once again turned back toward the audience. "I present to you Her Imperial Majesty Selene Channary Jannali Blackburn, Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth,"

The crowd roared. People shouted her name, both Cinder and Selene. Then a shout ran through the masses, "Long live Empress Selene! Long Live Emperor Kaito!"

A warm hand touched Cinder's back and she turned to find Kai, her husband, smiling and wrapping his arm around her waist. It was definitely comfort in the chaos. People began throwing flower petal and confetti about the room. Iko was especially good at shooting streamers from one of her modified android arms.

Together, as Emperor and Empress of the Commonwealth, Selene and Kaito raised their hands to wave at their subjects and fellow Earthen dwellers. They had done it. The had bound their lives and their countries together for a lifetime, and when Cinder spotted Prime Minister Kamin shake hands with the new Grand Minister of Luna she knew it had all been worth it.

With a shout, Winter stampeded the newlyweds and pulled them into a hug. Soon the rest of the former Ramion crew joined in until they were a giant group hug, nine strong, and more importantly, best friends happy to be celebrating a happy day together

A/N: So that's the wedding everyone! Did you like it? Even if you didn't thanks for reading! When I published this chapter the story had 176 views which is just mind blowing!

Another note, all my chapters are about 1100 words (except chapter 8 which was 1500) and I am pleased to announce that at chapter 9 this story has officially passed 10,000 words!! This is probably the second longest story I've ever written, and having awesome readers like you guys is definitely motivation to keep writing.

Now to leave you with a haunting question: Is this the end of the story? Will I write another chapter? I mean, I did write the Kaider wedding as promised, so I should be off the hook, right? ;) I guess that's for you to find out soon enough!

Thanks so much for reading,


P.S. If I did continue, what do you guys want to see in future chapters? 

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