Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Hi everyone! I just wanted everyone reading this to know how much I appreciate you reading my story. Moonstruck is by far my most successful story, and it makes me so happy that people are enjoying it. So Thanks!

Just a little advertisement- If you like this story you should try my original Cinderella Retelling: Midnight. It's a work in progress, but what I have published so far I'm pretty proud of. If you could check it out that would be great. Also, if you're in to drama you might consider reading my short story: Death: A Love Story. 

Sorry, that advertisement got a little long. Anyway, thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as did writing it!


Jacin didn't really see the point in such extravagance. The room was filled with fountains and windows with views of the flourishing garden. Several tables with foreign delicacies and decadent desserts lined the wall closest to the door. Ribbons and garland hung from the ceiling with white gauze. It was disturbing really, but Jacin pretended not to mind.

The room he was in had become a sort of a men's parlor. The girls had many things to do before the wedding, but the guys had not needed much time. After they left the great hall, a butler had led Jacin to a changing room where he had found a tux, and simply put it on. Then he was led by a palace guard to this room where Kai had been pacing the floor as maids laid out all the food.

He was still pacing now. Jacin watched as the emperor walked the length of the room muttering under his breath, reciting his vows no doubt. When a new person would enter the room he would look up and nod, but other than that he kept his head down, eyes at his feet as he walked himself to oblivion. When Wolf had entered the room soon after Jacin he took one look at Kai and smiled with his pointed fangs.

"Giving a speech to the entire world is nothing compared to telling the person you are about to marry how much you love them," he noted.

Jacin nodded in agreement. He often struggled with his feelings for Winter. She made him feel like more than himself, and in return he vowed to protect her with his life. He couldn't imagine life without her even when she had her most difficult visions. While he comforted her from the horrors of her own mind, she comforted him from the horrors in his, but when he tried to say so aloud it always seemed to come out as less than he really felt.

After several minutes of watching the distressed emperor pacing the floor and Wolf eat several dozen desserts, Thorne finally arrived in the parlor. His hair was slicked back and styled, and his suit was pressed to perfection. He had a smirk on his face that told everyone in the room he had intentionally taken forever to get ready because he was, "fashionable."

Jacin had never liked Thorne very much. His diva moments and general smugness had never sat well with the reserved guard. However, Jacin had recently noticed a change in Thorne. He kept his drama to a minimum, and he didn't flirt with anyone who wouldn't know any better. If Jacin didn't know any better, he would say Thorne had actually made a commitment.

"Kai, you're going to wear away the floor pacing like that." Thorne reprimanded.

Kai actually stopped pacing for a moment to acknowledge him and blushed. "I'm sorry guys, I just a little nervous. It seems weddings are a bit stressful,"

Thorne nodded his head and walked up to Kai putting an arm around his shoulder. "I see your dilemma, my friend, and let me reassure you. Cinder is most definitely head over heels in love with you, so no need to worry about that,"

Kai nodded, the whisper of a smile on his face now.

Thorne continued, "Why just the other day when I picked up Cinder from Luna she was standing moonstruck staring at earth, and what do you know, the moon was facing the Commonwealth that day. I mean, stars Kai! You have absolutely nothing to worry about, and if there's one thing I know, it's girls hearts," he winked back at Wolf and Jacin, and they just shook their heads.

Kai, however, was looking much better. Color had returned to his face and the whisper of a smile had become a real grin, but Thorne wasn't finished yet.

"I however, have something to worry about," he said dramatically. He began to search his coat jacket, rumbling it a little in the process. When at first he couldn't find it his searching became more frantic, and Jacin began to wonder if his problem was indeed real.

"Spades!" Thorne said under his breath. "Where did I put that box?" Then relief washed over his face as he pulled a small box out of his coat pocket. The box had a velvety surface and rounded corners. Jacin raised his eyebrows. Was this what he thought it was?

One flick of of Thorne's wrist confirmed Jacin's suspicions. Thorne had made a commitment, because there, held between two velvet cushions, was a glittering amethyst set in a silver or maybe even white gold ring. Jacin couldn't believe his eyes. Was Carswell Thorne, infamous flirt and king of never settling down, planning on getting engaged? A glance at Kai and Wolf told him they were thinking the same thing.

Thorne saw the looks in the room and blushed fiercely. "It took me a few months to save up, and I had to skip a payment on the Rampion, so the interest is going to cost me a little more, but I think it's worth it..." He paused in an uncharacteristic moment's hesitation, "Do you think Cress'll like it?"

Kai's grin was wider than ever when he clapped Thorne on the back. "Thorne that's great! When were you planning on proposing?"

Thorne smiled back, but this time his grin was devilish, "Well, a little android told me that pulling her aside during a wedding reception is incredibly romantic,"

Wolf chuckled a little beside Jacin, but the former Lunar guard still looked in skeptically at Thorne.

"What's wrong Jacin?" Called Thorne, "Jealous? You know, I got this from a jeweler just down the street from here. They probably still have a couple amethysts left, but I'm not sure it's your color,"

Jacin marched up to the captain, face contorted. Thorne almost seemed to cower at the much larger man. Then Jacin smirked and stuck out his hand.

"Congratulations Thorne, I'm happy for you. Here's hoping she says yes,"

Now it was Thorne's turn to be skeptical, but he reached out and shook Jacin's hand. Kai brought over glasses of some sort of bubbly drink and gave one to each of the guys.

"To the weddings of present and future," he toasted.

"Cheers!" Said the others and they clinked the glasses together.

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