Chapter Five

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“What’s wrong?” Jasmine quizzed, shaking me frantically and I continued to sob. Maybe I was making a scene, maybe I wasn’t. How would you feel if the first person you loved came back into your life, bringing a whole lot of unwanted memories back with him, just when you became an engaged women? I didn’t know either, until now. I felt terrible. I didn’t like the fact that all my feelings for Stephen were returning like an on switch when it took me so long to get over him.

“I’m just going home, tell Trevor that I was too drunk to go to his house please,” I begged, wiping my tears away and attempting to walk past her. The club was so packed that barely anyone noticed the scene that I was making, which I was grateful for.

“Not before you tell me what’s wrong,” Jasmine urged, yanking me back by my bare arm.

“Just leave it,” I cried, grabbing my arm back and rushing through the crowd, to the front of the club. Pushing the door open, a gust of cold air blew in my face, cooling down my body from the sweaty club. My ears also felt calmer since the music wasn’t as loud as it was inside, outside. Breathing in and out, I slowly, smiled politely at the bouncers who were still outside and waited to see an empty taxi go by.

“Where are you going?” Stephen asked me from behind. I didn’t even have to turn around to recognise who was speaking.

“Home.” I replied easily. Where else would I be going at 12:30 in the morning?

“Why? I though we were having a good time,” Stephen smirked, spinning me around by my wrist, before his smirk turned in a frown.

“Who made you cry? Was it that stupid dickhead of a fiancé? Did he break up with you?” Stephen quizzed, his gaze burning into my skin as I continued to look for a taxi, snatching my wrist back.

“You really don’t get it do you?!” I growled, twirling around to face him

“How dare you think that you can just come back into my life and play with my emotions! Have you forgotten what you did to me? How you treated me, when I had done nothing wrong? It’s you who’s making me cry, not Trevor, so just stop speaking  to me, or appearing wherever I am and leave me the heck alone!” I cried, whipping my tears away frantically, just as a taxi came down the road. Holding out a shaky hand, the taxi slowed down and stopped in front of me. Not sparing Stephen a last look, I hopped into the taxi, only for him to follow in suit.

“I haven’t forgotten what I did to you Melanie and I’m really sorry. It hurt me to hurt you the way I did.I haven’t stopped thinking about you for the last four years and I’m here to make up and get back together, you’re my soul mate for trying out loud!” Stephen roared, his black eyes piercing into mine.

“Don’t you dare move this taxi sir,” I stated, watching the man, begin to drive.

“Are you joking? I’m your soul mate? Bullshit Stephen! Bullshit! If I was your ‘soul mate’ why did you throw me away like you did? Why did I see that girl coming out of your hotel room the other day, if you haven’t stopped thinking about me?! Just get out of the car! Please!” I begged, too tired and upset to finish the conversation.

“I’ll leave you for now, but that doesn’t mean we won’t finish the conversation. Here’s fifty bucks, get her home safely, or I will find you and bite your head off,” Stephen threatened the driver, throwing the money at him and then left, slamming the door behind him. Trying to hold in my tears and not bothering to argue with the taxi about the money, I stared out of the window, seeing everything, yet nothing and could only try and forget the conversation that I and Stephen had just had.

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