Chapter Eight
The Wedding
After my first shot, one after another were being situated in front of me. Considering that I was a fairly light drinker, the first shot of Vodka had already began to make my vision blurry resulting in me mistakenly, gulping down a glass full of Vodka which I had guessed was water, in the centre of the black, plastic club table. Not until the contents had finished being swallowed did I then realise that it was pure Vodka. The last thing that I remembered were the girls giggling frantically at me before Lisa smirked evilly and with a sly wink yelled,
“Let the party really begin!”
“Wake up Melanie! Your wedding is in three hours!” Jessica yelled in my ear causing me to fling my arms out in front of me in horror, anger and fright.
“Ouch!” Jasmine cried in the background. I was horrified as I had not realised that I had slept so late, angry because she was screaming in my ear making my head feel as though someone was furiously attempting to pull the veins out of my brain and frightened since my wedding day had arrived. I was going to get married!
“Why are you crying?! My wedding is in three hours, I have a massive hangover and I’m scared as hell!” I whined, holding my head when both the emotional pain and physical pain set in at one. I cried out in pain and fell back onto the bed allowing tears to fall.
“Is she seriously crying?” Lisa questioned in disbelief.
“I’m seriously scared guys. Am I doing the right thing?” I sobbed unattractively as I hugged my body close, attempting to roll myself into a ball so that I could disappear. My brain was thinking too much and I was going into shock. Was this normal? Was I normal?
“No...” I heard Lisa mutter under her breath as she played with her nails. From the looks on the other girls’ faces as they tried to comfort me, I could tell that they had not heard her.
“You are. No questions asked. Now get up, take a shower, some painkillers and let’s get this show on the road,” Jasmine instructed, gently helping me out of my bed which I appreciated. After taking a shower and some painkillers, I began to feel a lot better and a lot less hysterical thanks to the cool water calming both my muscles and emotions. Realising that my memory cut short when recollecting yesterday night’s events, I reminded myself to ask the girls whether anything had happened.
“Exactly what happened before I blacked out yesterday night?” I wondered shyly, afraid of the embarrassing things which they would enlighten me with.
“Well, you made out with some random guys, almost slept with one of them and sadly I didn’t get to see the rest,” Jessica said in as matter a fact, a wide grin spreading across her small face.
“I didn’t!” I gasped in utter disgust as I held my face in my hands whilst the girls laughed franticly.
“It’s not funny, Trevor’s going to think that I’m a slut and call the wedding off,” I wept once again, attempting to jump onto my bed again.
“No you don’t. She was just joking. It was a joke. You just danced like a crazy person, fell over a lot and got us thrown out. It was quite funny actually,” Lisa corrected as she held me up.
“Oh my gosh!” I frowned, wiping my tears and feeling stupid.
“Don’t worry, we get the tears. Just go into the living room and sit down so that the make-up artist can do yours since we have only an hour and a half, and if you haven’t noticed, we’ve already been done. Your sister and mum are getting theirs done as we speak.” Jennifer stated and to be honest, I had not noticed until now. An hour and a half was definitely was not enough time for me to wrap my head around the idea of being married and never... I mean being Trevor’s and not...

He Came Back To Make Me His.
General FictionMelanie fell for Stephen in college, only for him to soon turn against her. Four years later, Melanie's engaged, when Stephen returns, telling her three things that she was definitely surprised to hear. Firstly, that they were soul mates. Secondly...