Chapter Eight

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“Stop screaming! Don’t tell me you haven’t accepted it otherwise I swear, I’ll rip your throat out,” Robin threatened, his eyes narrowed at me as he crossed his skinny arms over his small chest.

“Of course I haven’t accepted it because it’s not true. Trust me, if I was pregnant I’d know. Who told you that lie anyway?” I questioned, wiping away my drying tears.

“Someone,” Robin answered, seeming confused.

“Don’t look so puzzled, I’m not pregnant okay. Can you jut take me home please because I’m exhausted and tired,” I pleaded, feeling my eye lids drooping closed.

“Sure,” Robin replied, grabbing his black puffy jacket, his silver Suzuki car keys, and house keys, then placed his ‘manly’ flip flops on before walking out of the door, his eyes scanning the streets.

“Thanks Robin,” I thanked when we arrived in front of the apartment building.

“Make sure you text me when you get inside so that I know your safe and if you forget, I’ll be banging your door down at one in the morning Mel.” Robin assured with a serious face.

“Yes daddy,” I mocked, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and made my way into the apartment building. I couldn’t help but feel as though I was being watched as I took the elevator to the third floor and opened the door to my apartment. Whipping out my phone, I texted Robin so that he wouldn’t be worried and after stripping down, I hopped into the bath which I filled with hot water and settled my body into it before filling the clear water with bubbles.

My eyes drifted to my stomach and I gently caressed it wondering how it would actually feel to be pregnant. Would I want a child with Trevor anytime soon? Do I even want a baby? All these thoughts clouded my mind and I drifted into a beautiful dream…


“I’ve always wanted you to have my baby, and now it’s really happening,” He whispered in my ear from behind, as he held me tightly against him making my body mould naturally into his as his cool hand softly stroked my bare bulging stomach. I had never expected to be this heavily pregnant in my life, with his baby. I had always dreamed about this moment but now that it was actually happening, I was slightly overwhelmed.

My eyes began to water as I came to realise that this was actually happening. We were going to be together forever and I was now carrying his baby in my stomach. I whimpered quietly hoping that I he wouldn’t hear me but obviously he did.

“What’s wrong? Do you not want our baby anymore?” He panicked spinning me around to face him.

“No, no! It’s just, I…” I started. Feeling stupid for saying anything in the first place, I focused my gaze on the clean glass floor which allowed me to see the multicoloured flowers underneath it.

“It’s just what?” He questioned softly, lifting my chin with his finger, his dark eyes staring at with holding concern.

“It’s just, I never thought that this would ever happen,” I sighed, shrugging and looking down again. His chuckle startled me and I quickly looked up at him to see an adorable smile on his sexy, full lips.

“Of course this would happen, we’re soul mates so I’d never be able to live without you,” He stated before pressed his lips firmly against mine. The gas in me was ignited when his lips touched mine and I absentmindedly wrapped my arms around his neck pulling me closer.

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