Chapter Nine

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“Happy Birthday Sis,” My brother Robert smiled, his blue eyes shinning as he laughed at my expression. Running over to him like a little girl, I flung my arms around him as tears began to spill over.

“I’ve missed you so much,” I cried as everyone awed and observed us.

“I missed you too. Enjoy your birthday for now and we’ll speak about this later.” Robert whispered, slowly releasing me from his muscular arms before giving me a soft push in Trevor’s direction as I fiercely wiped away my tears, glancing over my shoulder to make sure that Robert was actually there.

“Should we get this party started?!” Robert yelled, holding his glass of champagne in the air, receiving cheers in agreement, as the music started blaring through someone’s speakers.

“Did you persuade him to come?” I asked as Trevor’s hand enveloped mine and we walked towards the kitchen.

“I didn’t really need to. I just asked him if he wanted to come to his sister’s surprise birthday party and he was more than eager to,” Trevor answered

“Well aren’t you the best fiancé any girl in the world could ask for,” I stated, pressing my lips to his so that he could not respond. His tongue merged with mine and I relished every moment of it as I felt him moan, pulling me even closer to his forever warm body.

“Alright, alright. I’d like to give the birthday girl her birthday present now, so if you guys wouldn’t mind,” I heard Debby groan in the background. Laughing, I pushed Trevor away, smiling when I saw him glaring at her, pulling me closer.

“Jealous are we?” Trevor mocked

“Nope,” Debby replied, rolling her eyes. Handing me a cute hot pink gift bag, I pulled out a simple black box, wondering what it was with boxes today and opened it. Inside was a silver charm bracelet with one charm, which was a cupcake with a candle on it. It reminded me awfully of the charm bracelet Stephen had brought me for my 19th birthday, which Jasmine returned to him after we broke up.

“It looks cute but I don’t think that it beats my present,” Trevor commented showing her the necklace that he brought me, causing his hand to move terribly close to my chest. If I was paying enough attention, I would have scowled at him but I was too busy trying to check if the bracelet in my hand was the one that Stephen had given me years ago.

“I think she likes my present since she hasn’t stopped staring at it. Sorry Trevor. Stephen helped me pick it out; he told me that you guys used to be close friends in College. Why didn’t you tell me Mel?” Debby quizzed. At the mention of Stephen’s name my eyes immediately snapped up to meet Debby questioning ones.

“I didn’t really think there was any need to,” I quickly responded, trying to keep cool. I guess they were still seeing each other then, but what did I expect? I should be happy for him, he’s moved on…again.

“Close friends my ass,” I heard Trevor mumble.

“Could you guys leave me with Melanie for a second please,” Robert stated from the kitchen doorframe as he watched us.

“Yes we can,” Debby replied, watching my brother, who nodded in her direction as she dragged an annoyed Trevor out with her.

“So, what have you gotten so far?” Robert questioned, leaning against my cupboards, pressing his dark brown hair against them as his intimating blue eyes focused on me.

“Well Trevor got me this necklace and ---,” I started

“Don’t tell me the dick finally did it,” Robert interrupted, nudging his head towards my hand.

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