Chapter Thirteen

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Sunday was a boring day. I went to Church and came home. Trevor called me later on, apologising for not being able to visit me since his family decided to go and visit him. I would have visited too, however there was something in his voice that told me that I wasn't wanted; so instead I spent it with my loving family, my mother, my brother and my little sister, Tatiana, who gave me a charm for my bracelet as my late birthday present. I have no idea how she found out that I had gotten the bracelet back and I wasn't in the mood to discuss it.

"Do you like the charm Tatiana got for you?" Robert asked me as I placed our dirty dishes into the sink.

"I'm guessing that it was you who either brought it for her to give to me, or told her to get it for me. My question is why?" I replied, turning on the taps and grabbing the sponge.

"You liked the bracelet and she didn't know what else to buy you, so I simply suggested the idea," Robert stated and I could imagine him shrugging. 

"To be honest, I'm surprised that you’re not wearing it." He scrutinized 

"It was a beautiful piece of jewellery," Robert complimented, now leaving against my tall cream kitchen cabinets. 

"What is this? Wait...your being sarcastic. I get it, don't worry I won't be putting it on anytime soon, if ever again, so you better return Tat's present." I hissed, getting annoyed by his games. Hearing him leave the kitchen, I glared at the dirty plates, scrubbing them harder than usual. On my birthday, he had been complaining about the fact that I had even accepted the present, yet here he was wondering why I wasn’t wearing it!

"Put it on now. I'm not being sarcastic and I sure as hell aren't telling her to return it. So if you don't want to wear it that much, you tell her." Robert argued, throwing the silver bracelet at me. With a shriek, I dropped the dish that I was washing into the sink and quickly caught the bracelet.

"You're crazy! Where did you even find it?! Actually don't answer that. Just don't throw my things." I growled, placing the bracelet on the counter before continuing with the dishes.

"Besides, I'm surprised that you’re not even cursing me for actually keeping it in the first place." I added

"Well I had some words with the guy and kind of understand where he's coming from now." Robert commented

"What words?" I quizzed abruptly, wanting to know straight away.

"Words that you need not to worry about," He chuckled, leaving the room once again.

"Mummy!" I yelled, ready to tell on him.

Today was Monday and I was now in work, waiting for my brother to pick me up for a special treat, to lunch. It wasn't everyday that I and my big brother did this, since we hadn't been speaking for the past two years, so I instantly said yes.

"You took your time," I protested as I heard a knock on my office door.

"I'm sorry your majesty," Robert joked as I began to clean up my desk.

"How long do we have?" Robert queried

"An hour and a half," I replied, grabbing my bag and walking towards him.

"That means that we have to move quickly." Robert exclaimed, pulling me out of my office.

"See you guys later," I said to the staff, including Jessica who had kept quiet ever since she realised that I had found out that it was her who had started my pregnancy rumour.

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