Troublesome boys.

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1st- Math

2nd- English

3rd- Music

4th- Chemistry

5th- Sport

After School- Track training.

Yes, I run track, it keeps me fit, so what?

I groaned as Ellie started her morning fangirling, Holly rolled her eyes as we sat down at our table.

There was 6 of us in our group.

Holly Carter (Slut Bunny hehe) was my best friend, we met in 7th grade when some guy tripped me over so she poured a milkshake over his head, I couldn't thank her enough for that. She's the 'emo' one in the group. She has thick auburn hair that fell just under her shoulders and deep hazel eyes, she wasn't too short but maybe medium size? She wasn't too fit, with the biggest boobs in the group but she didn't care, and she had a nice tan with freckles on her nose and cheeks.

Ellie Wales (Barbie Bitch) was our girly girl. Tall, bleach blonde hair, slim and a cheerleader. We became friends in 10th grade because everyone picked on her until she grew into her ears, I guess she just kind of sticked with us.

Kane Henderson (Kaney Babey) was the party animal, he was also like our big brother except for the fact that he wasn't responsible at all. He has a dark tan and abs that any and every girl drools over. Blonde/brown surfer hair, sky blue eyes and an Australian accent. I know what you're thinking, why is he OUR friend? He moved here in 10th grade and he wasn't as 'fit' then so nobody payed attention to him, so he found us.

Kate Enders (LESBEHONEST BABE) is well, a lesbian. She came out of the closest last year and needed people who wouldn't judge us so she came to us. She has short black hair, pale skin and grey eyes. She was in between slim and well, not slim.

Jordan Hunter (I LOVE JORDY SOO MUCH!!! <3) is our brains. She isn't a nerd, but grades mean everything to her. She has long, dark brown curly hair, tanned skin, brown eyes and a fit figure. We met in 9th grade detention, I personally blame Holly for that detention but without it, we wouldn't have Jordy.

"...And OH MY GOD!!! Have you seen Brad's hair today?! He is like a god from heaven! I saw him at footbal training the other day and holy shit! That boy is fiiiiine!" Ellie babbled on until the bell rang. Math, really? Ugh. I mentally groaned and trudged off to Math class. I was changing my music to Ed Sheeran when suddenly I ran into something hard. I looked up and saw the most mesmorizing emerald eyes on planet earth. The boy smirked, and looked down at me "Well hey there.." he said, his voice was so deep.. and sexy! Oh god did I really just say that?! "Yes, you did." he said, with a chuckle. Fuck. I stumbled back and blushed "Uh.. H-hi. Umm I'm sorry, I was just changing my music and I didn't really mean to run into you and I just yeah I'm really sorry.." I mumbled on "No problem, you should stumble into me more often Maddie.." he spoke, winked and continued down the hall. I pressed my back against the wall and took a deep breath before entering the classroom and sat down in the back left corner. That was my seat, everyone knew it. Every class, back left corner, my seat. I took out my math book and a lead pencil and huffed, listening to Mr. Clift talk about P.I or something. I focused on my music and silently started completing my work. Math, ugh how I hated Math. I checked my phone and I had a message from 'Kaney Babey'

"Hey babe, what subject you got? Harry Styles just walked into Georgaphy blushing. I wonder what he just got up to ;)"

Harry Styles. God damnit, how could I forget! Harry was the boy I ran into. He was tall and fit. Very fit. Like drool-over, you're-a-sex-god fit. He had the cutest dimples ever, curly brown hair and the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. Harry wasn't a manwhore. He didn't date endless chics, but he flirted around a bit. He was on the football team and had a bit of a reputation with getting in trouble.

I clicked reply and quickly texted Kane back "I've got math ): I ran into him in the hall just before class. I accidently called him sexy, sooo embarassing. I'll see you at break xox"

Then the bell rang, so I got up and headed to English. I entered the classroom and went to my seat, and there sat that sexy devil. Harry Edward Styles.


Hey guys, so I updated early because I felt bad for not bringing Harry into the story yet.

I think I'll update twice a week so I'll update soon

Love Youhs xx

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