Old Habits

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Harry and Holly left at about 6oclock, we basically just watched tv in silence, I think they were both afraid to say anything to me in my current mood. I looked at my watch and it read 7oclock, I uncurled my feet from under myself and headed upstairs. Lying down on my large, comfy bed, I picked up my phone to see I had a new text from my Mum. I opened it and read it aloud "Hey hunny, I have a big work thing that I have to deal with, sleeping in the office tonight, stay safe tonight xo" I sighed and pulled out my laptop, logging onto Facebook. I had 10 new messages, 5 posts on my time line and 3 posts I had been tagged in. I checked my messages first and clicked on the first message. It was from Brittany Booker "You fat slut! You think you can just sleep around with other girls boys without paying for it you whore? Kill yourself you dumb bitch, everyone hates you!" I started to softly shake, but ignored it before clicking on the the next message from Tiffany Peterson "omg you think you're so fucking popular and everyone loves you but they don't, everyone fucking hates you you stuck up slut! Go kill  yourself, no one will care anyway hahaa" tears started to slowly roll down my face, but I couldn't help but continue reading all the messages "omg you're such a fat slut! drink some bleach and die fag" "Go cut yourself or jump off a bridge you fat whore! everyone hates you stupid slut!!" "Sluts go to hell you whore! have fun with Satan hahah kill yourself so you get there faster, ayye?" "omg i'm going to fucking make you pay for what you did with harry you stupid little slut, you're just pathetic you know, fucking die!" " omg you've turned into like the biggest whore now ayyye you fucked harry styles and you only talked for like an hour before it haha you're such a slut, burn in hell" "drop dead you fucking pathetic bitch, everyone hates you now after you sucked his dick" "just fucking die, save everyone their time." "hang yourself you stupid slut before i make you pay for fucking my boy, fat whore" I then clicked on my notifications and went to my wall. I read 5 massive posts that were filled with all different ways to tell me to kill myself and how much of a slut I was. I clicked on the posts I had been tagged in and they were all photos or posts of ways to kill yourself. I couldn't handle it and by this point, I had tears running constantly down my face. my phone started to vibrate in the corner from a call but I ignored it.

~~~~I ran to the bathroom and grabbed out three razors, I sank to the floor as I hear my phone stop vibrating, but then start again. I put 2 of the razors on the tiles and rolled up my sleeves, I pushed the edge of the razor into my skin, dragging it along my skin in a line. The home phone was now constantly ringing, along with my mobile as I proceeded to cut all up both of my arms and half of my thighs. By now I had thrown the other two blood-covered razors in the corner and picked up the last one, with this I carved the words 'fat' 'slut' 'whore' 'worthless' 'pathetic' waste of space' and 'ugly' into the left over space on my arms and thighs. I then dropped the razor to the ground as I begun to feel dizzy, seeing the room move around me. Both phones continued to ring as tears rapidly fell down my face. It was then, that I fell on my side, and blacked out~~~~

I woke up the following morning on my bathroom floor, my arms and legs throbbing with pain. I carefully studied the deep cuts I had made and winced, as I noticed at least 5 that I could definitely see the vein in. I slowly stood up, holding onto the wall to help me up and stripped off my blood stained clothes. I threw them in the wash and slowly climbed in the shower, softly washing my cuts with water. I climbed out and put my bra and panties on before going into my room. I opened up my cupboard and took out a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey longsleeve t-shirt. I left my hair to air dry and did my makeup, slipping  on a pair of red converse, I picked up my mobile. 52 missed calls and 26 new messages. I sighed and opened my call log. 8 missed calls from Kane, 4 from Ellie, 12 from Holly, 1 from Harry, 7 from Jordy, 3 from Mum and 17 from unknown numbers. I checked my messages, 6 from Holly, 4 from Harry, 1 from Ellie, 2 from Jordy, 8 from Kane, 3 from Mum and 2 from unknown numbers. I opened the conversations but didn't bother reading the messages. I slipped my phone into my pocket and put on my white beanie before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. There were 18 missed calls on the home phone and 8 new voice messages. I shrugged and deleted all of it before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. I drove to school and  parked. I sighed and hopped out of the car, seeing everyone turn their heads when I turned up to school. I locked the car and headed for my table, ah here goes a day of drama, lies and bullshit, just try not to cry.


Wow, so that was intense.

Sorry to anyone who didn't like this chapter, I'm just trying to make this story more interesting and give Maddie some more character.

ANYWAY I know I keep saying that Niall Horan fan fic will be up soon, but I keep loosing motivation so it will be up when it is up hahaa

Okay, idk when I will update next, hopefully soon?

Hahaa love youhs xox

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