Boys and Dates.

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"Maddie? What's this I hear about you running into-" I grabbed Holly's arm before she said anything else. Harry smirked, he knew she was talking about him.

"Harry. What're you doing in her spot?" Holly asked. He looked at me "You were talking about me to your friends" he smirked, showing his dimples. "Why do you care? Get outta her seat." Holly protested. "Only if Maddie agrees to go on a date with me Saturday" Harry said, staring at me the whole time. I blushed a deep red attempted to hide my face. Holly looked at me and smirked then looked back to Styles. "Sure, now move." she answered, still smirking. Harry stood up and put his hand on my waist, whispering in my ear "Pick you up at 1" he smiled his dazzling smile and walked to the other side of the room. I stumbled into my seat and pulled out my book, still blushing.

"Ooooh! Maddie's got a date! Maddie's got a date!" Holly cooed and then texted all of our friends telling them the 'big news'. I swear, it had only been 2 minutes before I got several texts from all of my friends. As I opened my messages. 2 new messages from Barbie Bitch, 4 new messagesfrom Kaney Babey, 3 new messages from I LOVE JORDY SOO MUCH!!! <3 and 2 new messages from LESBEHONEST BABE. I opened the ones from Barbie Bitch;


"What're you gunna wear babe? You me and Holly should skip 4th and go to the mall to get you something sexy to wear. What do you say?"

Shit. Today is Friday?!? I thought it was only Wednesday. God damnit. I messaged Ellie back "Sure, Holly won't mind. We have Chemistry." I then opened the 4 messages from Kaney Babey, knowing they'd be dirty comments;

"What're you wearing on Saturday?"

"Should wear something sexy ;)"

"Need some protection to take with you on Sat? ;)"

"They're extra large though, think they'll fit?" I chuckled and text back "I don't know yet, me Ellie and Holly are skipping 4th to go shopping. I won't need protection babe. He'll have to work HARD for this piece of meat ;)" 

I then read through Jordy and Kate's messages, knowing they'd both be about what I'm wearing. I texted them both back asking if they'd skip 4th and come to the mall, and sure enough, they agreed. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and pulled out my books and pens, copying down the work and homework and stealing glances at Harry before the bell rang. I packed my stuff away and was about to walk out the door when Harry blocked my way. I blushed and looked at the ground. "Can I have your number babe?" He said with a smile, holding out his phone. I took it and put in my number before handing it back to him. "Could I please go now?" I asked with a sweet smile. " He grinned and moved out of the way. I walked to the cafeteria and sat down at our table. Everyone just stared at me. "What?" I said, "UHH DETAILS!!! NOW MADDIE!!!!!" Ellie screamed, I just smiled and let Holly explain before everyone went silent  as someone sat down next to me, sliding their arm around my waist. I shuffled closer to Holly, out of whoevers arm reach before being shoved back by Holly. I looked up to find Harry styles smirking his dimpled smirk down at me. Fuck, shit, holy crap, what do I do. I blushed ripe red and pulled out my phone, pausing my music and pulling out my earphones. I looked back up at him, hoping the blush would go away. 

"No, it hasn't gone away Maddie" Harry spoke.

Shit! I said that out loud? Everyone at the table chuckled. "yes, you did." Harry said again. I blushed again and looked away. "You blush a lot sweety, do I make you nervous?" Harry said in my ear. A shiver went down my spine before I spoke up. "U-uhh can I help you?" I stuttered out. God I must look like an idiot. "Nope, your stuttering is cute gorgeous, and I just wanted to, you know. Hang" He said, looking around at everyone. They were all staring at me with goofy grins. It was silent before Kane spoke up "So Holly, what happened in History in first. Heard..." I drifted off. Everyone laughed and talked a lot, Harry seemed to get along with everyone well. The bell rang and I got up, picking up my bag. I smiled at Harry and started to walk to music. Thank GOD that was over. I had a text from an unknown number. I opened it "Hey it's Harry, we're going for a date on the beach on Saturday. What's your address?" I messaged him back "34 Woodside Close (:" I got to music and picked up a guitar, walking outside into the sun and started playing "We Found Love" by Rihanna. Music passed by quickly and I walked to Ellie's car in the car plot. Jordy, Kate Ellie and Holly all arrived and we hopped in, driving to the mall. We went to a few shops but finally found the 'perfect dress'. I payed for it and Ellie drove us back to school. I put the dress in my car and went to P.E, changing into my short black shorts, pink joggers and white tank top. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail and joined in the game of dodge-ball.

P.E went by quickly and I jogged out onto the track and started running. Track training was basically running along the track for an hour. I got to the half way point and looked over to the football field and saw Harry. He had his shirt off and was pouring a bottle of water over his head. Wow he looked se- WHOA! I tripped over and fell straight onto my ass. Harry happened to see me and grinned, jogging over to me. "Like what you see?" he said. I blushed and got up, starting to run again. He grinned and went back to training. An hour later, I had finised. I grabbed my bag and went to my car. Holly had stayed in my car while I was training. She smiled when she saw me and I hopped in the car, putting my bag on the back seat and driving home. I got out the car and went inside, dropping my bag on the couch. Holly went into the kitchen and grabbed a soda, I plopped down on the couch and started to watch T.V. It was about 5:30 so I put The Heat on. Holly plopped down next to me "Sooo, you ready for your date tomorrow?" she nudged me in my side "No. I'm scared I'll throw up on him. Are you going to be alright tomorrow?" I asked, looking at her "Yeah, I'll get Jordy to pick me up after you're gone and we will be back by the time you're back so you can dish the deats.." she said chuckling "Uh huh, sure. What do I do if he kisses me?" I asked, dumbly. Never been kissed, it's stupid. I know. "Uhh you kiss him back doefus" she laughed. I blushed and focused on the movie. I

The Heat finished at about 7 so I called up the pizza store and ordered 2 small cheese pizzas and a large Sprite. About 15 minutes later, there was a knock on the door so I opened it to see that angel with the brown curly hair and green eyes. i froze and he grinned. Holly came to the door and smiled "Are you stalking her or something?" she asked.. "Nope, just doing my job. I saw the name and told no one else to take that order. Does that count?" he asked, smiling his dimpled smile. How sexy can he be?!? "Uh yes. Thanks for the pizza" she said, taking the pizza and handing him the $20 and shutting the door. She turned to me and grinned wide and I just squeeled and jumped around like an idiot. I heard a loud laugh from outside and blushed like an idiot before laughing again. Holly and I ate our pizza and went up to my room, we talked and went on twitter, tumblr, facebook and whatever. I fell asleep at about 1 o'clock and woke up at 11 the following day. 

"SHIT!!! HOLLY GET UP!!!!!! HARRY WILL BE HERE IN 2 HOURS!!! FFUUUUUCKK!" I screamed, running for the shower. I cleaned, washed and shaved before stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around me. While I was in the shower, Holly had gotten my dress out of the car, picked nail polish, shoes, makeup and accesories. I changed into my undergarnments and changed into my outifit. I let holly do my hair, nails and makeup and I finally looked in the mirror after nearly 2 hours . I had a pinky/peachy, flowy dres on with matching slip on shoes. My makeup was light with mascara lighting up my eyes, I had pink adn silver bracelets on that said love and had crosses on them, my hair was wavy and my nails wear ombre, matching the colouor of the dress. I just stared, holly had done agood job, I just couldn't recognise the girl in the mirror. I put on my glasses and smiled. Then there was a knock at the door downstairs.


:O CLIFF HANGER?!?!? Hahaha, leave me some comments guysss, I wanna know your opinions!!!!! 

Love youhs xoxo

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