Sharing a Bed

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"MADDIEEE!!!!!! WHO'S STAYING OVER TONIGHT?!?!?" My mother screamed from the top of the stairs.

I sighed and tilted my head back Ï doon't know, come as them not meee!!!!!"I screamed back.

"Okay okay I'm coming.."Mum said, coming down the stairs. "Who's staying over tonight?" Mum asked. Everyone said yes, except for Harry. He just didn't answer. "What about you Harry? Would you like to stay tonight?" Mum asked with a smile. 

"Well I would love to but I have no clothes for tomorrow"Harry said, looking up at my Mum from the couch.

"Oh well, I can drop you at your house while I pick up dinner, I'l pick you back up on the way out yeah?" Mum said, she always had to be so god damn helpful didn't she. 

"Oh well, that would be great thanks Karen." Harry said smiling.

"No problem hunny, I'm leaving in 5 minutes. Be ready."  Mum said, walking into the kitchen.

I turned on the TV to one of the singing shows and tucked my feet under my bum.

"So Harry, you're going to have to share with either Kane or Maddie tonight, cause they have the double beds. It's your choice who.." Kate spoke up. Everyone started giggling and I just rolled my eyes. 

Harry blushed, like bright red. "Uhh , errm, Well I guess I can share with Maddie. I mean, I heard Kane was a bed hog so I guess I am better off sleeping with her." Harry said, nervously.


Everyone started giggling and winking and nudging each other. I just scowled and looked away. 


Everyone just burst out in laughter, except for me and Harry who sat on the couch blushing like tomatoes. 

"Come on Harry, We're leaving now"Mum said, walking past the couch.Harry jumped up from the couch and kissed me on the forehead "Be back soon love" he said, before following my Mum out to the car.

Everything went silent after they left, everyone was staring at me. 

"Uh, so I'm going for a shower."I said before jumping up and basically running upstairs to the shower.


I took a deep breath and sighed as I hopped into Karen's car. She started the engine and we drove in silence for about 2 minutes before she spoke up.

"So Harry, I know I am female so this isn't going to be that intimidating but Maddie's Dad lives very far away so I need to do the job for him. You are Maddie's first ever boyfriend, I mean apart from Drew who is Maddie's childhood friend. They used to run around in their nappies together and they kissed in the sand pit when Maddie was 4, but if you hurt my daughter, I will shoot you." she said with stern eyes.

I looked straight back into her eyes "I'm not going to hurt your daughter Karen, I really like her, a lot. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, but I'm going to. I want to make sure it's special though. I see the way she walks around school, all lonely and depressed, but I want to make her feel special. i want ot make her smile and be happy."I said to her, looking to my feet by the end of it. I was never this emotional, especially not to the girl-i'm-dating's Mother.

"I believe you, treat her right Harry." Karen said as she pulled up outside my house. 

I smiled at her and hopped out of the car, waving as she drove off. I jogged up to my front door and went in. Walking into my room, I picked up my phone charger, a pair of skinny jeans , a few tank tops and a pair of shorts, along with a pair of sneakers. I also grabbed my wallet and keys before heading back out into the living room. No one was home so I picked up a note pad and a pen "Staying at a friends house tonight, be home soon. -Harry" I tore off the sticky note and stuck it to the fridge before 2 honks were sounded from out the front. I quickly jogged out the door, locking it behind me and walked to Karen's car. She had a few bags in the back seat which I guess were groceries. I smiled and hopped in the car, placing the bag of my stuff at my feet and doing up my seat belt. She smiled at me "Got what you need?" Karen asked. I nodded and looked at the time on my phone 6:30? Time must of gone fast.

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