Mending the Broken

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As I slowly faded back into consciousness, I grew increasingly aware of the aching throughout my body. The bullet wound in my side burned like fire and every throb brought me close to crying out in pain. I let out a groan and shifted a bit.

I suddenly became aware of the plush fabric bellow me. I tried to pry my eyes open in an attempt to figure out whose couch I was dumped on. I hoped beyond anything that it wasn't my mother's. She has yet to discover who I really am, and I'm not intending for her to figure out anytime soon.

I tried to sit up but winced.

"Whoa, whoa," I heard a familiar voice beside me. He spoke softly but the words pounded at my head like drums of war, "Stay down, you're hurt pretty bad."

"Oh really?" I forced my sarcasm out through gritted teeth. My eyes slid open and I blinked back the pooling water that was threatening to spill over.

Lawrence sighed, "Just stay down, Johanna."

I tried to relax back into the pillows, but the pain in my ribs flared to life at the movement. I groaned again and noticed for the first time that my injuries were bound in gauze.

"What happened?" I mumbled.

"Some new guy beat you up. Swift brought you here after you blacked out."

I groaned again and frowned in frustration, "Strength," I mumbled, "Resistance."

"What?" he asked.

"The new guy," I spoke up, "I shot a bullet at his chest and it bounced right off like it was no more than a ping pong ball. I pumped him with an amount of electricity that should've killed him, yet it was only enough to make him pass out. He slammed me into the ground and the floor splintered from the impact. He's strong, and that strength also offers him some protection."

Lawrence nodded and lifted up the bandages on my chest. I looked down to see a bloody and bruised mess. A large chunk of flesh was missing just above my hip, efficiently documenting the flight path of the ricocheting bullet. My ribs were bruised, and I'm sure my back looked even worse. The bandages wrapped around my elbows confirmed the gruesome scrapes that undoubtedly ran up my arms. I felt like a dead girl walking.

I winced as he poured some alcohol in the bullet wound. Quickly, I stole the bottle from his hand and took a swig. He snatched it back in a hurry.

"Hey, none of that," he narrowed his eyes at me as he placed the amber liquid out of reach. He tied up the bandages again.

I grimaced as I tried to sit up again. He immediately tried to push me back down, but I snatched his wrist to stop him. He stared uncertainly at me with his brilliantly green eyes.

My voice was weak as I said, "Help me to the power outlet."

"What? No! You're not going home like this." he started to push me back down again.

"Lawrence, I'm drained. I- I need to recharge my self. Like a battery," he only stared at me uncertainly, "Electricity, Lawrence. I used up my stores on Goldie Locks back there. I'm incredibly weak now, and will continue to be until I get charged up. Now, help me to the outlet."

He sighed before slipping an arm gingerly around my back, helping me to stand. My teeth clenched in agony as I was brought up to my feet. I let out a little grunt as we hobbled forward. My free arm came around to apply a reassuring pressure to the bullet wound as I stumbled.

Once close enough, I let go of Lawrence and fell to my knees next to the outlet. Before touching it, I looked up to the boy, "I hope you don't mind me staying the night, because I'll be out for a while after this one."

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