A Villain and His Lair

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The first thing I noticed was the sting of cold cement pressing against my cheek. Then I noticed the pounding in my head and the aching in my joints. I groaned and my eyes fluttered open. My gaze roamed across a high ceiling and black, concrete walls. I recognized it immediately. My body lay sprawled across the floor of Blood Lust's lair.

"I'm getting too old for this," I muttered under my breath.

A snort sounded behind me and I slowly turned my head in its direction, cautious of the painful thrums in my temples. Blood Lust sat in a black recliner, an open book resting in his hands, "Oh come on, Heather," he said in a playful tone, almost as if we had been childhood friends, "It's just like old times."

I heaved a dramatic sigh and returned my gaze to the ceiling.

"Of course," he continued in a singsong voice, "I can tell the age is getting to you. You used to be so fast at waking up, but this time you were a bit sluggish," he tapped his watch to emphasize his point.

I made some sort of noise that sounded an awful lot like a grunt before I sat up and rubbed at the tension in my shoulders and neck, "I'm sure it's just because I'm out of practice."

He laughed darkly and I glared at him in annoyance. His eyes roamed over me and with a flick of his hand, my body rose of it's own accord. My nerves screamed, begging for a stop to the agonizing pain of my blood pressing against my veins, but I kept silent.

Blood forced me to walk to the deep red, leather sofa directly across from him, and when he released me from his invisible grip, I collapsed onto it.

My breathes were labored, and my arms fell limply to my sides. Blood stared curiously at me for a few moments before returning his eyes to his book, licking his finger as he turned the page.

Suddenly, Blood fell into a fit of maniacal laughter. I stared at him with a raised brow, and it took him a moment to regain himself.

"I guess Blue's getting a little old, too!" he smiled ruefully and placed a thoughtful finger on his chin, "Do you think the girl delivered my message?"

"She doesn't know who Blue is," I said weakly.

He tilted his head in fascination and his voice came out in a quite forceful whisper, "Really?"

I gulped and held his gaze, "Blue disappeared. Why would I tell her about someone I knew wasn't coming back?"

His eyes were cold, calculating, and as he smirked I felt bile rise in my throat.

"Who is Blue, Heather?"

I shook my head.

"Still defending the man that left you behind?" he shook his head in disappointment and clucked his tongue.

Suddenly he closed his book and stood from his chair, strutting over to one of the tables lining the far wall. I didn't watch him as he went, and before long, a soft music began to play.

I recognized the soft static of a turn table, and a few moments later, a gloved hand appeared in front of me.

"A dance, milady?" he asked in a smooth and calm voice. I only stared at his hand as a silent tear escaped my eye. He sighed, "Please?"

When I still said nothing, he brought his hand in an upward motion, causing me to rise with it. My veins screamed in protest but my mind felt too numb to cry out. My arm lifted to his and he grasped my hand tightly.

His other hand came up to swipe away my fallen tears, and at his touch, more fell.

Then his hand found my waist, and I felt even more pain as I tried to shy away from it.

At my vain attempt to escape him, he smiled, and slowly began to sway us from side to side. As we danced, he slowly eased his hold on me. I only cried more.

"Please let me go," my voice was quiet, but surprisingly steady, "I have a daughter who needs me."

Something flashed in his eyes, and I couldn't quite place it, "The child has changed you, Heather," he released me and we stood still, glaring at each other. I fought the urge to crumple from the fatigue caused by my resistance, "You don't have the same fire inside you."

"It's called growing up, Blood. Having a life, a family-"

"I tried having a family," he cut me off bitterly, "Didn't work out too well."

I raised my brows at him in shock, "Really?"

"I had to do something with my spare time," he claimed with a smirk, "My wife was killed by the man she was sleeping with and my two boys were put up for adoption," he spoke indifferently, as if the words had the same effect on him as the weather.

I looked up at him in shock and he only stared down at me with a hardness in his grey eyes, "That's no family, Blood."

"Villains don't get families," he smirked ruefully to himself, "We get to be villains," he sighed and looked at his watch again, impatiently muttering to himself, "Where the hell is he? I'm tired of waiting."

"He probably doesn't even know I'm here," I said weakly as I returned to the couch, "He's been gone for nearly sixteen years, what makes you think he's coming back now?"

He plopped down in his armchair again, "You're his favorite damsel in distress. He can't stand the thought of leaving you in harms way."

I stared off at the wall behind him, "I was his damsel," I sighed and tried to think around the situation. I knew Daniel knew I was here, and I knew he would come for me. But I didn't want him to be forced back into this life. I couldn't do that to him. Not again. I had to get out of this myself, before he ruined his chance for normalcy, "Look," I sat forward and met Blood's eyes, "He's obviously not coming and I have to work tomorrow. Can I please go home?"

He scrunched his nose in thought, "No, not yet. He could still show."

I leaned back again and stared at the ceiling. I really hoped he didn't. This time, I needed to rescue him. Not the other way around.





Hey readers! What did you think of Heather's point of view? Is there another side of Blood Lust hidden underneath the insanity? What do you think is going to happen next? Comment and vote if you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks!

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