Sending a Message

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I fired several blanks into the air. Real bullets wouldn't help me much when Gold showed up.

People screamed. I shouted at them to get on the ground, emphasizing my point by firing another blank. All was normal.

I cackled maniacally as my eyes roamed over my audience, my gun following my line of sight. For added flare, I flickered the overhead lights on and off sporadically and sparked up my arms.

The electricity danced around me, crackling and spitting into the air.

My psychotic grin widened when my eyes met Daniel's.

I wondered what he was thinking right now. He was a renowned hero, and his damsel's daughter was a renowned villain. I internally cringed when I thought of my mom as a damsel. As his damsel. As anyone's damsel, really.

My eyes continued to roam until I laid eyes on a person shakily holding a camera. I turned fully towards them and smiled.

"How many of you know of the Golden Bullet?" I asked. As expected, no one moved a muscle. I grinned, "I'd like to deliver him a message," I smirked at my reuse of his very words to Swift, "Aren't you getting tired of playing games?" My voice was sweet, tempting, but my eyes were wild, "Don't you want to put on a real show?"

I started to laugh as the lights flickered off again. When I turned them back on, I was closer to the camera, "Meet me in the old warehouse on 6th Street," I laughed again, "If you're not too scared."

The lights flicked back off and when they turned on again, my fist was clenched onto the fabric of Daniel's shirt, gun pressed into his temple as I dragged him across the floor. I uttered one more word, "Midnight."

Using my influence of electrical devices, I posted the video on all social media links in a singular flick of my wrist. I simultaneously transported the pair of us through the power grid.

We landed back in the living room and I released the grip I had on Daniel. His breaths were labored and he stayed on his knees for a while as he regained his composer.

"That. Was. Awful." He breathed, "Please warn me the next time you plan on dragging me into the circuits."

"It's not that bad," I defended my personal mode of transportation, "It's not like I can fly. Sure beats walking."

He shook his head and stood up fully again,"That wasn't part of the plan," he chastised.

"I improvised," I said with a shrug, "I sure as hell wasn't waiting for him to show up."

"How'd it go?" Swift asked from the couch. I responded with a grin as I snatched his phone off the coffee table. Turning it on, I found it was password protected. I rolled my eyes and used my powers to wiggle past it and pull up the video in a fraction of the time it would've taken anyone else.

I handed the phone back to Victor and we all huddled around to watch it. The video missed my first couple shots, but it got the rest. We all watched the video in fascination.

When it ended, they both looked at me. Victor gave me a thumbs up and Daniel nodded his head.

"You really were quite terrifying," Daniel commented as he sat in one of the chairs.

"Thanks," I smiled, though I wasn't sure if he meant it as a compliment or not, "It's what helps pay the bills," something flashed behind his eyes. He had a troubled look about him and I wished momentarily for Emily to be here.

She was at school, like I should be, and I was considering for a moment that I should just start homeschooling. It would be much more convenient.

I shook that thought away as I collapsed into a chair.

"So, does your improvisation have a further layout?" Daniel asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He'd gone as far as showing Swift his face, but he wouldn't give a name yet. Even I only knew his first name.

"Same plan as before," I sighed, "Just different location."

He nodded and sighed. I flicked on the news and it wasn't long before my little scene started playing out, reporters battling about the possible outcome of our showdown.

One man was arguing with a woman about how evenly matched we were, referring to our first fight in the mall. I wouldn't be making the mistake of underestimating him again. Other reporters talked about the unidentified hostage, pleading the Golden Bullet to get out there and rescue the poor soul.

Lawrence burst through the door, "You took him hostage?" His chest was heaving, "That wasn't part of the plan."

"I know that," I practically growled, "I improvised."

He sighed and sat next to Swift on the couch. He was silent for a while, but finally his curiosity got the better of him, "Since when can you transport people?"

"I actually didn't know I could. It was a guess, but it worked. I figured that because I can transport other things, like a gun, and bags of money, then people should work just as well. We're all made up of atoms you know."

"I don't recommend it," Daniel pitched in.

I rolled my eyes, "Well you're going to have to deal with it. I have to transport us to the warehouse."

He groaned.


By the time 11:30 rolled around, we were all gathered in the living room. I was once again dressed in my god forsaken suit. Daniel stood before me and I smiled up at him.

"What?" he asked nervously. Obviously he was new to this whole hostage thing.

I brought my hands out from behind my back and revealed a role of duct tape and some rope. He groaned and ran his hand through his hair. Sighing, he held his wrists out in front of him, enabling me access to bind them.

I shook my head, "Behind your back."

He gave me a 'seriously' look before sighing again and obliging to my command. He turned around and held his wrists together.

"I have to make this authentic," I said, "This'll be kind of uncomfortable. Just don't move around too much and it shouldn't rub your wrists raw."

He grunted and I proceeded to bind his hands with the rope. He refrained from the complaints I'm sure he had built up and I was grateful for that.

"I would like to apologize in advance for how I'm going to treat you," I murmured, not too keen on the whole apologizing thing.

"It's okay," he said, "You're the expert on this kind of stuff. Do what you need to do."

I nodded and began to pull duct tape off the roll, winding it all the way around his head a few times, adequately covering his mouth.

I glanced at my watch only to see that it was 11:45.

"Time to go," I said, already slipping into my villain personality. I gripped Daniel's shirt and hauled him to the light socket. Sticking my fingers in, I felt him tense. For his benefit, I began to count down from three.

"Three... Two..." All was silent for a moment, "One."





Hey peeps! This chapter is up. The showdown comes up next chapter. Let me know what you think by voting and commenting. Thanks! Happy Reading!

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