Chapter 1

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Ughh how I hate being different. I don't fit in anywhere, I am different in the way I dress and all but I'm still human. Oh how I wish it was Friday already. Oh I almost forgot let me introduce myself, I'm Skylar. I'm 17 years old and I'm the biggest BVB fan out there. Well if you don't count my best friend. She's an even bigger fan than I am but lets forget about her for now.

I wanted Friday to come so bad but it was 1 day away ughh. BVB was coming to town and I was excited to go to there concert. I wanted to be noticed by the one and only Mr Ashley Purdy. He's my future husband and soul mate :3 oh if only he would notice me.

I'm a teenager so school was a must.

I hate school it's just a prison for me and all the other students, well for me it's worse cause I have to deal with all the shit I get from the school and the wannabe popular kids as there known.

I guess you could say I have a perfect life, but the truth is I'm just keeping all the pain inside. See I have my mom and dad and younger brother so I can't really say I have a broken family, but the truth is I have a hard time being around them cause they don't like who I've become. I traded my high heels for my black toms, my lipgloss for black or red lipstick, my glitter eyeshadow for a black palette, and I've added a heavy coating of eyeliner and mascara. I started dressing in more black instead of my old clothes so I have changed a lot I guess u could say.

Well I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta get ready for another day of torture, hehe i mean school bye :3

I went over to my dresser got out a BVB shirt and some black leggings. I showered, changed and then headed to my little desk to do my hair and makeup. I straightened my hair and then teased it just a bit. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and some red lipstick. I put on my black boots for a change and grabbed my bag to head off for school.

I heard my phone ring, fallen angels was my ringtone, I picked it up and it was my best friend Amber.


"Hey girly u ready I've been waiting outside for like 30 minutes" said Amber

"Um yeah give me a sec I'm grabbing something to eat and then I'm out"

"Kay hurry up" said Amber

Amber is my best friend. We've known each other for a while now and she's more of a sister to me. I ran outside and saw her sitting on the steps. I said bye to mom and dad and we headed off for school. School was a good 15 minute walk so we just talked while we walked.

"So!!!!" Said Amber

"So what?"

"R u ready for tomorrow ?" Said Amber

"Of course I am I've been waiting for Friday since like 3 months ago"

"OMG u and ur Ashley and me and my Andy!" Said Amber

"Of course they belong too us and no one will take them away from us."

We got to the school and headed for home room. When we got to the class we went in and took some seats in the back away from everyone. We looked at each other, nodded, and put in our headphones. We blasted BVB until we were told to put it away. Stupid teachers. Home room is only 15 minutes so after that I headed to art. I went to my portfolio and took out the portrait I was working on. It was a portrait of Ashley. I wanted it to be perfect so I kept it away from everyone.

I hope tomorrow comes sooner than it seems cause I honestly have nothing to do today. Art was ok I guess I could say but then I had history, English, science, and math, oh and my French Class but what can i say French is te language of love. Me and my Ashley will share endless loving moments together.

I can already see it Mr. And Mrs. Purdy. Skylar Purdy how I love that name :3......

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