Chapter 13

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* a years later*

Skylar POV

Today was a great day. It was my one year anniversary with Ashley. We had been dating for 1 years and in that year I blossomed more than I had ever. I was what u would call a wallflower, I was always quiet. After Amber and I started dating Andy and Ashley, we were two of the happiest girls alive. We shared many fun moments as best friends and as the girlfriends to the hottest guys out there.

When Ashley and I first met, bvb had canceled there next concert to be with us. They left after two weeks and came back like a month later. Since we were miserable during that tour they invited us to go with them on the next one. We have been having fun since then. Today is the last day of the tour and we can head back home.

"Hey babe!" Said Ashley as he came up to me and kissed me


"Wats wrong?" Said Ashley

"Oh nothing I'm just sleepy."

Ashley's hand was behind his back and I wondered what he was hiding. He kissed me and then pulled out a bouquet of white roses.

"Happy anniversary!" Said Ashley

"Omg thank u, I love them. And u!"

"I have a surprise for u later today." Said Ashley

"I can't wait :3"

I got out of the tour bus and went to look for Amber. I found her sitting under a tent with Kellin Quinn and Vic Fuentes. They were drinking monster and laughing away at something.

"Hey guys wats up?"

"Hey Skylar!" The three of them said

"U want a can of monster?" Asked kellin

"Um sure. So what u guys laughing at?"

"Ur friend here is hilarious she was just telling us a joke." Said Vic before starting to laugh again

We talked for a good hour and then they had to go get ready to perform. I walked around with amber as we talked. We walked a little in silence and then looked at each other.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!" We screamed at each other.

"Omg can u believe its been a year." Said Amber all excitedly

He hugged and then walked of to join the band as they were getting ready. Ashley was putting on eyeliner and it made him look even hotter. I now Amber probable thinks the same of Andy. I was walking toward Ashley when he got up, ran to me and swept me off my feet. He twirled me around and then planted his soft lips on mine. I could feel him smiling as he kissed me. It was amazing, i felt like we were the only two standing there. I didn't realize that we had been standing there for a while until Jake came up to us to tell Ashley it was time for them to go on stage. Ashley was still carrying me as he walked to the side of the stage. I thought he was gonna put me down and go perform. I looked over and Andy was holding Amber in his arms. I looked over at Ashley as he gave me one last kiss and then BAM! He was carrying me on stage and the rest of the band followed behind. I covered my eyes as I giggled at what he just did. I could hear the fans screaming for the amazing Black veil brides. It felt weird to be on stage, I don't know how they do it. He put me down and kissed me, the audience started cheering and I felt a smile coming up on my face. Me and Amber walked to the side lines where there was two chairs for us to sit and watch. I had the best time at the concert.

The concert ended and we headed home. Because we didn't want to be away from the guys, they rented an apartment in so that they could be near us. They spent the entire summer with us hanging out and having fun....

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