Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to cherryroseblossom for her amazing comments, and her excellent stories. Be sure to take a peek at them!

Another huge thank-you to misshapenmuse for the amazing, new cover for my story. 


>Chapter 4<

I bounded out the front door into the glorious summer evening. The sun was beginning to make its decent into the horizon, causing the sky to radiate a vibrant assortment of colors.

A blazing, fiery orange mixed with a soft, rosy pink blended together. The colors complimented each other nicely, making the picturesque scene before me seem unreal. Like a genius painted the master piece, just for everyone to enjoy.

There was a pleasant breeze blowing causing the leaves in the surrounding trees to rustle and sway ever so gently. The leaves seemed to be dancing to the beat of the wind.

I took tentative steps down off the front porch, can't be too careful. The lush, green grass felt so good beneath my feet, soothing any ambitions I felt. It felt good to be living and able to start living my life as a fool-hearted, bubbly teenage girl again.

Behind me, I could hear the distinct sound of footsteps traipsing over to me. I didn’t bother turning around though, I already knew who it was. Niall.

“So, is this what you had in mind for the break?” Niall questioned from behind me.

“Not exactly, there’s a bit more to it,” I replied turning around to face him. A smirk now evident on my face.

“I’m not sure which is more creepy, your smirk or Louis’ smirk. Now, you have definitely have me a bit concerned about where this is going,” Niall said, but a smile was tugging at the corners of his mouth just threatening to appear. “But since you now have my curiousity, by all means do show me what you had in mind.”

“Follow me then,” I simply stated.

I turned around and made a beeline for the treeline on the other side of the yard. I wasn’t certain if Niall was following, but I knew exactly where I was going and nothing would stop me now. Stubbornness was just part of my DNA and my family had certainly experienced that first hand.

The opening in the trees was evident, just the way I remembered it. There were two trees directly on each side that leaned inward. They grew upwards twisting together, until their branches were tangled. Merging together to form one tree, one single being. Just like they say you do when you get married.

Now why was I thinking about marriage at this young of an age? My brother would murder me, literally if I was to be married at eighteen. There was one thing I believed though, which was you should remain chaste until marriage. That way you could save it for that one truly special person, your other half.

I mean, I don’t judge people if they choose to do it earlier, that is their choice. I suppose I am a bit old-fashioned with believing that I should wait until marriage, but I truly think that it is something you should save so you can complete your life with your other half.

The treeline of our yard had a diverse variety of trees from the mighty oak, to the placid willow. I passed through the opening on to the pathway into the small wooded area. The pathway was simply magnificent this time of year, everything was in full bloom and assortment of colors spreading across the forest floor as far as you could see. The trees towering over you like skyscrapers, wondering if they could stretch up to the clouds. The wild flowers were all out with an abundance of color spilling over throughout my view, it was almost too much.

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