4 - Because It's Portuguese

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@CplaysGUITAR: hey Michael

@michaelgclifford: hey Carolina

@CplaysGUITAR: how are you?

@michaelgclifford: bored and you?

@CplaysGUITAR: sleepy. I just woke up

@michaelgclifford: what time is it there?

@CplaysGUITAR: 7:41 :-) lovely

@michaelgclifford: holy shit, my poor Carolina :(

@CplaysGUITAR: it's ok

@CplaysGUITAR: so what did you do today?

@michaelgclifford: nothing much actually

@michaelgclifford: this time zones thingy sucks

@michaelgclifford: we barely can talk

@CplaysGUITAR: true

@CplaysGUITAR: I gotta go now, Mikey

@michaelgclifford: already? :(

@CplaysGUITAR: yeah, gotta get ready to work

@michaelgclifford: ok :(

@michaelgclifford: message me when you're free

@CplaysGUITAR: but you will be sleeping

@michaelgclifford: don't care

@michaelgclifford: just message me

@CplaysGUITAR: ok, I'll then

@CplaysGUITAR: bye Michael

@michaelgclifford: bye Carolina, talk to you later


@CplaysGUITAR: hey Mikey

@CplaysGUITAR: sorry it took so long

@michaelgclifford: Carolina!

@michaelgclifford: I really thought you had forgot me

@CplaysGUITAR: sorry, I had band practice

@michaelgclifford: it's ok. What matters is that I can talk to you now

@CplaysGUITAR: shouldn't you be sleeping?? :/

@michaelgclifford: I already slept

@michaelgclifford: so how was your day?

@CplaysGUITAR: shitty actually. I'm so done with that job

@michaelgclifford: what happened?

@CplaysGUITAR: I won't dump my problems on you Michael

@michaelgclifford: but I want you to dump your problems on me

@CplaysGUITAR: Michael, really, you deserve a better talk than my stupid problems.

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