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Yuma's POV

"Be careful of Izuna," this, "Stay away from Izuna,"that. All Astral talks about is avoiding the new girl. I can't take it anymore.

"Would you quit it?! There's nothing bad about my friend!"I yelled.

All day, I was up in my room, re-building my deck and worrying about Izuna. Astral, on the other hand, should get a life.

Kari came into my room,"Keep it down, Yuma. I'm working on my news report!"

I hid my deck behind me,"Sorry, sis. I'll be much more quieter!"

Kari sighed, then went back downstairs. I set down my deck, then glared at Astral, "Like I said, Izuna's not a bad person. She's just a tomboy."

"Yuma, what is a tomboy?"

"A tomboy? Well, they're girls who don't seem like girls. They act more like boys," I answered.

"Then that's not it. I'm not saying Izuna's a bad person, it's just that there is something dangerous about her."

Izuna, dangerous, blah blah blah, is all I heard. Nothing's wrong with Izuna!"

Izuna's POV

I feel like I'm ditching, even though Mom knows I'm not feeling good. Ok... I guess I am ditching. Now, I'm walking home, hoping that "they" weren't following me.

I passed a shopping district, and I noticed a very familiar Cotton Candy girl. There was a brown haired girl with her, who was also in my science class and is Cotton Candy's cousins.

Her name is Nicole Davis.

I ignored those two and started to walk away. Then, she caught me. "Oh. If it isn't the new girl, who's claiming Shark as her own," Megan purred.

"Shush it, Megan!" Nicole yanked at Megan's arm.

"Hold on. Listen, Izuna, I don't know why you're so close with Shark, but he won't always be there for you. He'll leave you one day and no one will be by your side."

I held fists, tightly. I don't know why she's making it sound like I'm dating Shark. I don't care if he leaves me, since he'd be better off without me! They all would...

No. No time to start thinking back. I walked off.

"Hold on! How is it that you and Shark are already close, especially when I know so much more about him than you?"

She's so stupid... Does she really think that? I turned around and yelled, right at her face, "Don't get the wrong idea! We're just childhood friends! Go after him, if you'd like. See if I care!"

I took off. It wasn't really that I was mad, but because my headaches were starting to come back. Everyday, it kept getting worse. I didn't know how much longer I could suppress it.

???'s POV

Megan and Nicole stared at Izuna, then walked away.

"You need to do something about that mouth of yours, before everyone starts to hate you! But your tongue's sharper when talking to Izuna. Why? Do you hate her that much because of Shark?"

"I don't hate Izuna. It's just that I envy her. She has something that makes me want to be friends with her. Just something about her... And I talk worse, when around her, since I'm nervous to speak to her. I'm an idiot. I don't really have interests in Shark, that much, anymore but I can't help flirting with him. Probably cause the moment I realized they knew each other, I wanted her attention."

"That's just you, Megan. Don't try to make excuses," Nicole said.

"Okay...but the other thing is that there's something I find scary about her. I don't know what it is, but it makes me shiver. Izuna's probably holding a secret. A secret that must be kept shut for good."

"Whatever you say, Megan."

She isn't wrong. Izuna must make sure that her secret is never revealed. Things could get worse than how they were now. But it's probably too late.

Haihai~!!! If anyone is still reading this, I thank you so much ^^

I wrote this a long time ago so I'm sorry if the writing is a bit childish and stuff. Once I finish posting what I already have I'll write the rest a bit more... Better?

Idk XD I already know I'm not that good of a writer.

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