"Come on children, another beautiful day awaits us..."
That's my mother's voice. What is she doing here? Where am I is the better question.
Tracing my surrounding I immediately realize features of my old house. No. This isn't real, the house was ruined in the fire. Mom is dead. What's going on?
"Cassidy, Cora!"
Hearing my sister and I's names being called I go to speak up bur see Cora run towards the voice from behind me. Woah, she's so... little. Immediately turning around I see a mirror and take in my young appearance staring back at me.
Shaking my head a bit I shoot up from the seat I'm sitting in inside my old room and rush to fallow Cora down the stairs and into the living room.
"Peter?" I ask as I reach the bottom of the steps reaching my uncle. But it wasn't a younger version of him now, everyone was their current age. Cora, Peter and Derek all stand in front of me with blank faces, seemingly under some sort of hypnosis.
Squinting my eyes slightly at them a skeptical feeling overwhelms my body to a new extreme.
"Your not you." Derek says calmly yet still in a stern tone.
"Who are you?" Peter asks as if confused, yet still without any emotion or sense of responsiveness. Like he was when in a coma I'd believe, except now staring into my soul while in this state of trance.
Getting cut off form questions they repeat all together now.
"Your not you." Cora now joins as they take a step closer, all in sync.
Backing up slowly my mind is pounding trying to put some sort of pieces together. Anything for this to make any form of sense at all.
"Then who-" Speaking a bit louder now my words as expected get cut off from their synchronized words.
"Who are you?" They ask getting closer with each line. As their now what seems to be chant continues I'm becoming cornered into our living room terrified.
What the hell does this mean?
They get louder and louder while their tones get more and more vicious until they are basically growling at me still in the blank state.
Back sliding down the wall they scream the same things over me as I begin to join them in the questioning, just trying to figure it out myself.
Head banging onto my knees I scream in pain and agony the chant at them and myself now involuntarily crying into my screams.----------
Cassidy's P.O.V.
"Cassidy!" My body thrashing back and fourth I come to my senses as Derek and Peter stand on my sides. Holding me down? What the hell was I just doing? Looking between the two of them they seem to share a look and wearily let go from pinning me down. "What just happened?" I ask holding my aching head in my hands as I slowly lift my body up from my lying position on the bed. "You don't remember?" Peter asks with... Concern in his eyes? This mimicking the look in my brothers eyes as well. What the hell just happened to me? Feeling my body in a cold sweat I begin to feel what's around me becoming fully awake. My hands ache as well as my head and my entire body is filled with exhaustion.
"You were screaming at first, like in your sleep it started out as a whisper but just kept getting louder as time went on." Derek starts off as we all sit in the living room with the lights turned on seeing none of us are getting much sleep after what just happened. "We ran in obviously once you woke us up and saw you banging you head on your knees screaming questions." And without even thinking I asked what I had been asking and saying in my dream. "Your not you. Who are you?" I say in sync with Derek as he seems surprised that I remember my exact words. It's hard not to after that dream, but what the answer is seems to be my biggest concern right now.
What the hell am I?
"You can stay home today if you want." Derek says out of the blue as we pull up to school. Looking over to him questionably, I begin to seriously consider the offer. "Since I already got ready I'll have to pass, plus I don't feel like reminiscing in that dream all day is going to help me live a somewhat normal life." I state truthfully putting my Michael Kors over my shoulder and stepping out of the car after saying a quick goodbye.

sicker then your average | s.s.
Werewolf"Like Derek and Paige all over again..." ----------- If I told you Peter Hale actually did something selfless for once... Would you believe me for even a second? Well, Derek didn't either. That is until Cassidy shows up at his doorstep eight years...