Cora ran back off to who knows where a few days ago leaving me here with Peter and Derek. I didn't expect her to stay however, she's always been sort of a lone wolf . Haha.
I'm really not sure how to feel at this point. Happy? Nervous? I have absolutely no idea. I mean yes, anything is better then being in Eichen House, I guess I'm just not used everything just yet. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother and Peter... Well he can be interesting company at times but I don't hate him. Yet. I mean he got me an iPhone yesterday as an introduction into the "real world" as he called it. Being locked up in a psych-ward for most of your life has quite a few disadvantages.
Grabbing a white t-shirt, army green bomber jacket and casual black leggings I throw them on over my underwear and bra. I showered last night when I got home from the mall with Derek. Surprisingly he has pretty sick fashion, I would've never expected it honestly. Throwing on chapstick and mascara I exit my bedroom to enter my first day of hell.
"Don't you think it's a bit too soon to be enrolling me into school?" I ask making my way out of my makeshift bedroom and into the main lounge room. I bought a white bedspread, a red based tapestry and a few posters along with Christmas lights to hang around my room the other day, yet it still seems a bit empty. I'm guessing it's because I have no personal items as far as belongings go. Peter turns to me with an eye roll before answering as I pull on socks and brown combat boots. "It's never too soon to learn." He quotes what my mother always used to say to Derek when he would complain about going to school. "Seriously?" Derek questions Peter's statement knowing exactly what he was talking about before grabbing his car keys. Grabbing my iPhone the time reads '6:30 AM', way too early for my liking. "Can you calm down by the way, you wreak of nerves." Peter says without taking his eyes off of the magazine he is flipping through. Rolling my eyes I fallow Derek over to the elevator and hop in without another word. Faintly I hear something along the lines of 'have a good day' sarcastically come from inside the loft before the doors close.
Shifting my eyes over to Derek he's twirling his keys around in his hand without much thought. How do those two get along so much? They've always hated each other to my knowledge, I guess a lot has changed in the past few years. I mean I did basically miss half of my life, should I expect any less? Interrupting my thoughts the dinging of the elevator sounds seeing we've reached the lobby.
It only takes moments to reach the high school from the loft building. My hair is straightened and my hands are gripping onto my phone anxiously. "At least you'll show up in a badass ride." Derek shows off looking over to me as we roll up into the school parking lot. "Shut up." I laugh out slightly at his cocky manner while out of the tinted windows I see a bunch of teens around the parking lot focus their attention on the sports car I'm in pulling up in front of the school. Something I'm guessing that doesn't happen too often. Well, this is intimidating. All eyes on me. Great.
"Confidence." Derek nudges me arm as I take in a deep breath. "Easier said then done." I reply to him as he seems to find some sort of flaw in my statement. "Oh please, your a Hale." He remarks as I roll my eyes once more before opening up my door and taking the first few steps out. Oh god, I'm actually at Beacon Hills high school.
Once parting ways from Derek I walk into the school making sure not to seem intimidated in the slightest. I'm a Hale, Cassidy Hale. I can do this right? I told my brother not to come in since that would cause even more of a scene, him being strangely overprotective it took some convincing until he finally gave in. The sunglasses I have on help me avoid eye contact with all of those who are stating at me strangely and exchanging whispers with their friends. Finding the main office was surprisingly easy to my advantage as I made way into it. "Name?" I was immediately asked apon entering the small confined room with a secretary and window like walls showing the surrounding hallways. Taking off my sunglasses I speak up as politely as possibly, very unlike me. "Uhm- Cassidy." I say hoping she has some sort of idea as to why I'm here in the first place. "Oh your new! Here's you schedule right here, your father I believe called earlier making sure everything was set up for you." She says genuinely nicely, either that of she is a pretty good actress. Father? Peter.
Smiling lightly I grab my schedule from her and head put after having her point me in the way of where my locker is located. Texting Peter on the way to my locker I question what the secretary said. 'Father? Seriously...' I type while looking over the locker numbers before finding the one that matches what's written on the paper I was given.
Locker 974. Rolling the given combination the medal lock becomes undone in my hands as I open it up making sure it works, which is does. The empty metal chamber I now call my own is empty, but it gives me some sort of purpose at knowing where to stand and so I'm set apon staying here until my first class starts.----------
Stiles' P.O.V.
"What?" I ask seeing Scott staring at the new girl who's locker just so happens to be across the hall from my own. No doubt she's gorgeous, but I thought he was into Kira. Judging by the look on his face it's not a sexual attraction he is staring at her for anyway, he looks confused. Scramming to shove my Math homework into my locker and get out my History books for next block, I then shut my locker quickly to prevent everything from spilling out all over the hallway.
"Her scent." Scott finally replies still with a confused look over his expression. Wow, very specific. "Okay? We all don't have the supernatural ability to catch scent so can you be a bit more explanatory." I reply as the lack of information begins to tale over my hyperactive brain. Finally as he looks away from her for the first time in the past five minutes he catches onto my questionable expression. "She smells like Derek." He says which immediately makes me turn back to see her again except once I turn to see this mystery girl once more, she isn't there.
Well, that's incredibly discomforting.
Cassidy's P.O.V.
"I'm take it you must be Cassidy then." The man replies as I hand him my schedule. If he sees my name on the schedule does he really need to ask? Without saying anything I nod slightly as he looks up and points over to an empty desk towards the back of the room. "You can sit there for now, if there's any problems with seeing the board let me know." The wise looking teacher explains as I lightly thank him taking back my schedule and heading to my assigned desk while people begin to fill into the classroom.
"Class as some of you may already know we have a new student joining us today." The man announces in front of the room as all heads that aren't already secretly taking glances my way now have an excuse to fully look over at me. Is this guy really doing this right now? "Hi." I awkwardly announce giving a small hand gesture before everyone seems to scan me up and down. 'Your a Hale.' Derek's words seem to play in my head as I straighten out my posture and attempt at showing confidence instead of weakness.
Being handed a text book the class is told to highlight important events and people as Mr. Yukamora, I learned his name is, reads out loud. Shit, I don't have anything to write with. How could I be so stupid? This is school obviously I should have brought at least a pen.
Feeling something rub close to my arm I turn to see a highlighter being handed out from behind me. Tracing the hand up to the face I look to see a pale brunette giving me a corky toothless grin. Laughing lightly at his awkward expression I thankfully take the highlighter from him. "Your a life saver." I say lightly for him to hear, but not loud enough to interrupt the class.
Scott's P.O.V.
It's pretty obvious Stiles is into this girl, along with quite a few other hormonal guys who seems to want to get into her pants asap. Kira's dad drags the lesson on reading into some war with the British that I'm only half listening to. Scanning over who I now know's name is Cassidy I intend on finding out who she is and where she came from. I mean seriously, who switches schools half way through the marking period? Better yet, WHY does she smell like Derek and... Peter? Who the hell is she?
Seeing Stiles hand out a highlighter towards her she turns behind herself to face him giving him a thankful look. "Your a lifesaver." She thanks as Stiles heart picks up pace quicker the ever. Even faster then when Lydia first started talking to him after like seven years when we were freshmen, and that says a lot.

sicker then your average | s.s.
Hombres Lobo"Like Derek and Paige all over again..." ----------- If I told you Peter Hale actually did something selfless for once... Would you believe me for even a second? Well, Derek didn't either. That is until Cassidy shows up at his doorstep eight years...