"Dude, I promise you there's nothing wrong with her." Stiles stubbornly demands while watching Cassidy put her books into her locker from a far. It's clear he's just love struck and in denial, but I'm really hoping he's right. Humming in response to his statement he takes it as an opportunity to go on. "I mean look at her. What could possibly be wrong with her?" He asks as if the idea is impossible to comprehend in his hyperactive brain. Closing my locker a bit louder then necessary successfully knocks him out of his stare, this causing him to spaz out as expected. Glaring at me slightly he rolls his eyes as I let out a muffled laugh towards his behavior. Don't get my wrong I love Stiles, he's practically my brother, but he can be the biggest kid sometimes.
Cassidy's P.O.V.
Why the hell they would schedule my lunch a block before school is let out I have no idea. It's already tempting enough to leave and now only having one class after this makes me want to just skip it 10x more. I'm not hungry and I don't want to walk into the cafeteria with no friends or a place to sit so I've decided on just going outside. Exiting the school there is a decently sized courtyard where I plan on finishing the essay Mr. Yukamora assigned us to finish for homework. His class I seem to like best, other then the weird tan brunette who seems to have been burning wholes into the back of my head the entire time. Pretty sure he's friends with the pale boy who handed me a highlighter earlier. English is surprisingly easy too considering I'm in honors, but the teacher seems to just be waiting on retirement. I just got out of study hall where I sat in the library the entire block until the bell rang releasing me to lunch. I'm ahead of most of the students here, at Eichen House their schooling was a choice and was done whenever you pleased. I got a lot done their and so I'm a grade ahead and only have a few classes that I'm forced into taking in order to suit the graduation requirements. Next I have Econ with- Bobby Finstock... Whoever that is.
Moving onto the last paragraph of my
paper I begin to relax a bit seeing I still have time to get it done before next block. Not that it needs to be done until tomorrow, but I just don't feel like dragging my text book home with me today. Neatly wrapping up the last few sentences of my essay I smile pleased with my work. I'm sort of a perfectionist and messy schoolwork pushes the worst of my OCD to shine through. A ringing is heard from inside the school queuing me to head off to my next block class. Economics, one of the mandatory courses here at Beacon Hills.----------
"No. Way." The man looks up at me after I hand my schedule to him explaining that I'm the new student attending his class. "No freaking, way!" His voice raises in excitement. As some
students pile in their attention is quickly distracted by the man holding my schedule in between his hands. Furrowing my eyebrows together I cross my arms over my chest getting slightly annoyed at this guys enthusiasm for some unknown reason. "There's a mini Hale." He states as my features soften realizing what he's speaking about. He must of had Derek, he doesn't look old enough to have know of Peter or Laura. Rolling my eyes a bit at the unneeded exaggerating this guy put into this he hand my schedule back to me. "Wait-" He says before fully releasing the paper back into my hands causing me to let out an annoyed huff. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" He asks with no filter what so ever. Clenching my jaw, I firmly grip the paper from his hands and pull it back into my own now getting pretty pissed off.Glaring at him I can tell the guy begins to feel a bit uncomfortable. "Uhh- You can take a seat next to McCall." He says as I look around the room still
not knowledge as to what anybody's name is. Raising an eyebrow at his statement he seems to realize I'm clueless. "McCall raise you hand!" He screams startling me for a second at the change of tone. Looking over my shoulder I see the only person I don't want to be seeing right now. Creepy staring guy from History is seen with his hand in the air looking to be just as uncomfortable as I am, if not more. This is just great. "I have high expectations for you Cassidy, don't let me down!" The teacher or Bobby Finstock as it says on my paper calls to me as I take me seat.----------
"The demand for a product will determine what from the producer?" Coach asks directly at the McCall kid sitting next to me. By the amount of fidgeting and stuttering he is doing I'm guessing that he doesn't know the answer. "McCall I swear to god! Do you honestly not know anything? Your dumber then my nephew... And he's eight months old." The teacher everyone seems to call Coach yells in disbelief and pure aggravation. Raising my hand slightly he seems surprised at the sight (since it's my first day) but none the less nods at me to answer the question at hand. "It's supply." I say nonchalantly as Coach let's out an airy laugh clapping his hands obnoxiously slow. "That's how a Hale gets it done!" He says as if what I said was astonishing in some way.
What surprises me however isn't the teachers erotic behavior, it's how Scott repeated my last name as if in shock. What the hell is wrong with this guy? "Yes Scott, Hale! Having trouble with English now too? This girl hasn't even been here a day and she's smarter then you!" He announces creating snickers and light laughs to spread around the room. "I swear to god." Coach repeats under his breath while walking to his desk in the back of the room. Just as he went to speak up again the bell rang dismissing everyone from school causing us all immediately to get up and rush out the door leaving him in anger and annoyance.
Scott's P.O.V.
"Stiles!" I yell catching a glimpse of his brunette hair making his way over to his infamous Jeep. Whipping around spastically I pick up my pace to get to him quicker. Giving me a confused look I catch up to him in the matter of seconds. "Okay I know what she is." I tell him immediately catching his attention. "Her as in Cassidy. Your still on this?" He asks as I shake off his ignorance. "She's a Hale." I reply immediately after he's done speaking. This for once, actually makes him put some consideration towards it. As I watch his open his mouth about to say something a too familiar black Camaro pulls into the parking lot. Hitting Stiles chest I grab his attention towards the car driving towards us.
Who's inside however, I didn't expect.
"Boys." Peter's voice announces with a tint of taunt in it as always. He's quite a cocky person if you haven't understood that by now. "What the hell is he doing here?" Stiles asks annoyed to just be in the presence of Peter at this point. Seeing the former alpha look a little pissed at his outburst he just laughs Stiles aggravation off. "Calm down Stiles, I'm not here to cause trouble... Yet." He smirks at the end of the sentence just to leave us on edge that much more.
"There's my favorite niece!" He says as I hear someone walking up from behind us much before Stiles does, due to enhanced hearing that is. It's that girl, Cassidy. I knew it. Elbowing Stiles in the side he turns around and immediately his heartbeat rises. I'm just not sure if it's out of lust or possibly fear of what's to come. Anxiety always finds it's ways to overpower him at the worst of times. She rolls her eyes at who I now know is her uncle's statement. Derek has another sister? One that's alive for that matter? "Don't scare the innocent Peter." She says quietly probably knowing he can still hear her. A laugh escapes his mouth at what she said as she walks past us slightly to get into the passenger side of the sports car. "They are anything but innocent." He tells her as she hops in and telling by her expression looking back at us, she has no idea who we are.

sicker then your average | s.s.
Lobisomem"Like Derek and Paige all over again..." ----------- If I told you Peter Hale actually did something selfless for once... Would you believe me for even a second? Well, Derek didn't either. That is until Cassidy shows up at his doorstep eight years...