Cassidy's P.O.V.
"Your seriously going to be that much of a dick?" I'm pretty pissed at the lack of information my uncle is giving me on those kids in the parking lot. Strolling into the loft I am fallowing close behind Peter almost yelling at him at this point. His ignorance is bliss method isn't exactly my choice of communication. Hearing Derek walk out from his room he sends a weird (and seemingly annoyed) look our way. "What's this about?" He asks once neither of us say anything about his confusion. "Cassidy over here seems to have met your friends." He says sassily as per usual while Derek just keeps his glare on him. "Scott?" He asks me while making his way over into the kitchen grabbing what seems to be a takeout menu from one of the drawers. "You know that kid? He was burning holes into the back of my head all History." I explain hopping up onto the breakfast counter. "Acquaintances." He says carelessly as he dials some
number into his phone that he seems to be copying off of the menu. "You want anything?" He asks sliding the menu over to me without much consideration. "Seriously?" My voice raises as I take the menu between my hands ripping it in half. What is wrong with him? This is NOT the Derek I remember, this isn't my older brother that I once adored.After several minutes of my arms crossed over my chest glaring at the both of them an exploration eventually came along. "I bit the kid." Peter says nonchalantly while flipping through a magazine of some kind. Almost spitting out the water I was drinking I stop myself and successfully swallow what's in my mouth without choking. "Well that's comforting." I say probably calmer then they expected. Cora told me about Peter and the kid he bit, along with ones Derek turned who apparently are all dead or left the town except one. "He's your beta?" I ask confused as to what the Scott kid's tanking is. Easily he nods while I relax a bit seeing he is finally giving me the information I need. Turning to Derek I'm still confused as to who the other kid is, the one who gave me a highlighter today in History. "So is the Stiles guy your beta?" I ask trying to put two and two together. Seeing Derek abruptly partially choke on the soda in his mouth and Peter erupt into laughter, I'm taking it that I'm wrong. "Stiles? A ware wolf? Oh god, no." My uncle says seemingly a bit annoyed with even the thought. "Issac's my beta, you'll meet him soon." Derek says and before anything else could be said there is a ding of the elevator, there showing Derek's pizza has arrived.
Apparently Derek has decided on calling some sort of "pack meeting" which still confuses me on how that group all formed seeing that not even half of them are actually wolves. Personally I'm hoping to just stay out of it all together, but I have a feeling that isn't going to last very long. Watching reruns of Grey's Anatomy on the flatscreen that Derek got for my room while I was at school, I think I really am going to like this show. I never had the best variety of movies in the psych ward, which in more ways then one is very understandable. I mean it is a building filled with alleged psychopaths, who knows what kind of ideas they could get from a show like this?
But of course, my comfortable relaxation get's interrupted by the man who used to be my brother. I say that so bitterly because Derek isn't himself anymore... Neither is Peter and it all reminds me even more that I've lost myself as well. Mentally I'd say I'm averagely normal, I mean for having over half of my family burned to death and growing up around the supernatural that is. I'm not sure what's made me so stubborn and sassy over the years, not sure I could pinpoint one thing in particular, more like a mixture of everything. When I was younger you wouldn't even recognize me personality wise. Little me was actually a lot different, I was crazy loving and trusting, just the thought of letting anyone in now repulses me. Even my own "family" can't be trusted and that terrifies me. In more ways then one I'm all alone, I don't even have my brother anymore. God I used to tell Derek EVERYTHING.
Knocking me out of the train of thought the elevator dings for the millionth time today revealing the same kids from school earlier. Well this should be more then interesting to watch.
Stiles' P.O.V.
"Want to explain to me why I have to come with you again?" I ask annoyed that Scott is, yet again, dragging me along to Derek's. I'm up for a lot and usually I'm the one bringing Scott into things, but Peter and Derek aren't exactly my best friends. Sighing next to me can practically feel his annoyance. "Because your my ride. Plus, Cassidy might be there." He drags out the last part as the purpose of going become a lot more exciting to me now. "Fine. What is this about anyway?" I ask him thinking of what this might be about. Everything is just going good for us. Our long awaited peace has just began to set in and leave it to the Hale's to disturb that. No offense to Cassidy however, she seems completely clueless as to what's going on seeing she didn't even know about Scott until this afternoon.
Making our way out of the Jeep and into the loft entrance the painful elevator music just seems to prolong this trip. Doors opening to the underground apartment they reveal Peter, Derek and Cassidy all sitting on the couch looking over to us. "What's up?" Scott asks leading our way inside as I fallow close behind him. Should I say something to her? She's squinting her eyes at us skeptically, not rudely however just... Confused? I would be if I were in her shoes. With my inner self encouraging me to say something Peter interrupts my stare with his words. "That Cassidy, is the True Alpha." He says pointing to my best friend who awkwardly shows his eye to her as she still doesn't move from her spot on the couch. "Interesting." She comments locking her phone and throwing it to her side focusing on Scott now. "I'm the real alpha, obviously." Peter cockily trails as she rolls her eyes almost in sync with Derek who is seated next to her. Yup, she's definitely a Hale.
"Where are the others?" Derek speaks up as Scott replies telling him something along the lines of them being on their way. As if on cue however, the elevator opens exposing Allison, Lydia and Isaac. "How are you three doing?" Derek's voice directs as his glance seems to go between Allison, Scott and myself. "Well aside from the lack of sleep and constant questioning if I'm awake or not... Just great." I nod towards him causing Derek to do nothing but glare at me in all seriousness, he's never exactly been the biggest fan of my sarcasm. "Well she's haunted by her dead aunt." Lydia chimes in pointed behind her towards Allison who just lightly agrees with her brief explanation. Very descriptive, very descriptive. It seems that all heads are now turned to Scott as I take a quick glance over to the female Hale who seems new to all of this information, but is handling it really well. "I saw my shadow as the alpha this morning." Scott stops for a few seconds yet everyone continues to stare at him anxiously. "More then once." He adds awkwardly having nothing else to say about the topic.
As the air shifts awkwardly between us Derek asks yet another question. "What about the Malia girl?" Scott told him about that? I guess so. "She's back with her family. She changed back when I roared." He explains just leaving out the part about her psycho dad putting coyote traps everywhere that Isaac got caught in and Lydia's foot almost got broken by. "But everyone is some what normal now?" Peter asks budding in on the conversation while coming out of a room somewhere in the back of the apartment. "For now." Scott announces with some sort of sigh, I'm guessing it being one of exhaustion.
Breaking the few minutes of silence the others seem to now be focusing on Cassidy and she catches onto that. "What." She questions with annoyance at the attention being given to her. Allison seems to looks over to Scott with a confused face as she then speaks up once more. "I'm Derek's sister. Cassidy." She explains further while Lydia and Allison both seem to give each other strange looks nodding it off while Isaac just shrugs towards the matter. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" The beta of her brother asks taking a piece of pizza out of a box that's sitting on the counter. She looks over to him in an amused way at his carelessness. Wow, he's just gonna get that question out of the way I guess. "I'm supposed to be a lot of things." Sarcasm! This girl is sarcastic too? She shrugs her comment off without much of a care. Even doing the simplest things she's so entertaining to watch, I swear.
What am I saying I've known of her for barely even a day? Why do I feel like this so soon? Get yourself together Stiles.

sicker then your average | s.s.
Lupi mannari"Like Derek and Paige all over again..." ----------- If I told you Peter Hale actually did something selfless for once... Would you believe me for even a second? Well, Derek didn't either. That is until Cassidy shows up at his doorstep eight years...