Chapter 4

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Katherine POV

After the guys left to go to Nash's house, the rest of us went to 6th period and went along with our day. English was really boring that I fell asleep and got detention. How can you get detention for sleeping during class? It's not my fault the teacher is boring as fuck. The worst thing that could ever happen to me happened. My teacher left me with so much homework to do! I have to write a summary, then finish this table chart thing and read a chapter of this book we're reading in class. Ugh!

When class was over I waited for the girls to meet me at the front gate so we can go to my house and hang out.

"Hey so Zoe and Ana told me that they'll meet you at your house." Alexis says with a tired face.

"You look very tired."

"Cause I ammmmmmmm." Alexis whines.

"Don't worries when we get to my house you can sleep on the couch."

"Thank the lord!" She yells.

"Hey can you give Bella and I a ride?" Claudia asks while she walks to us.

"Yeah sure lets get going."

We start walking to the parking lot where I parked my car. When I was about to get in my car I see a new girl picking up her stuff on the ground. I know she's new because I've never seen her before and I know evryone at this school, we all grew up together. I quickly run over to where she is and help her.

"Oh my god you totally didn't have to do that." The girl says with a kind smile towards me.

"No it's ok, you looked like you needed help."

"My names Rebecca by the way and thanks again for helping me." Rebecca says and starts to put everything back in her backpack.

"Nice to meet you my name is Katherine but my friends call me Kathy."

"Pretty name," She says and she gets up from the ground.

"Thanks, your new right? I haven't seen you around school."

"Yeah I just transferred."

"Oh, where did you transfer fr-" I got cut off by Claudia yelling.

"Dude we have to go!" Claudia yells from the car

"Oh I'm so sorry I have to go. Nice meeting you." I say and star walking towards my car.

"You too," Rebecca says and then gets in her car and drives off.

"Who was that?" Bella asks curiously.

"She pretty, but not as pretty as me." Alexis says and with a hairflip and a wink at the end.

"Shut up Alexis." Bella tells her and shoves her playfully.

"Her name is Rebecca and she just transferred here." I tell them to distract Alexis before she hurts Bella.

"From where?" Claudia asks.

"I don't know, I was asking her when you cut me off by yelling at me."

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