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I run through the office, laughing my ass off.
I'd just sprayed Max with silly string which pissed him off and now he's chasing me.
I look over my shoulder and laugh again.
He still has some in his hair and on his shoulder.
I still have the container so if he catches me I'll just spray him again.
He's like a cat with a spray bottle when it comes to this.
He stares at the source for a second. But the thing he does differently, is that he comes after the source of it.
"Adam, here," I laugh, tossing him the can then sprinting into my office and slamming the door then locking it and grinning.
Max tries to open the door and I stick my tongue out of him.
He flips me off through the window and I laugh then flip him off as well. (Okay but my friend calls me Max now because I have the same freaking personality as Max.)
I laugh when Adam sprays the window, and Max jumps then looks at Adam. "I swear, Adam, if you spray me I'm coming after you." Max says, his voice muffled by the glass.
Adam tries to spray him but only the foam comes out. (I hate that stuff that comes out when the string runs out oh my god.)
Max laughs then turns back to the window.
I press one side of my face to the window and look at Max through the corner of my eyes.
He laughs and pulls out his phone and snapchats it.
"Open the door," Max says, pointing at the doorknob.
"You gonna tickle me?"
I narrow my eyes slightly and unlock the door, grabbing my bear and using it as a shield, using a soda bottle as a weapon.
"Cass- that.." He starts laughing. "That's not a weapon. Nor is that a shield," he says and bursts out laughing.
I laugh and see Max recording this. With my phone.
"what, another memory video?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.
"Maybe," he laughs. I giggle and flip him off with the hand holding the bear.
"Haha, love you too," Max laughs a bit.
The only I smile and drop the bear and bottle then walk up to him, stand on my toes then kiss him.
"How about that as a memory?" I whisper, pulling away from the kiss and looking up into his eyes.
He smiles and pulls an arm around my waist, then sets my phone down and wraps his other arm around my waist and kisses me.
I tilt my head up into the kiss and slowly pull my arms around his shoulders.
"Oh god!" I hear Adam shout and start laughing.
I smile. Let them stare.
Max pulls away from the kiss and smiles down at me.
"You know what?" I ask, running a hand through Max' hair a bit.
"What?" He raises his eyebrows a bit.
"Everybody on Instagram calls you a sexy ginger on Instagram. But you're my sexy ginger." I say, smiling a bit.
He laughs softly.
"People call you a gorgeous brunette. But you're my gorgeous brunette." He says and gently pecks my lips multiple times.
I smile and wrinkle my nose as he kisses it gently, working his way up until he reaches the top of my head and envelops me in a hug.
I smile a bit. "Freaking bathe me in kisses why don't you?" I giggle.
"Hey," he rests his chin on top of my head. "I love you so freaking much." He says softly and lifts me up so I'm standing on his feet.
"I love you too, Max." I whisper as he waddles me off somewhere.


A few hours later, we return to the apartment and I lay face down on the bed.
"Whaf?" I reply, my voice muffled by the top blanket.
"What are you doing?" He asks and a few seconds later the weight of his body presses down on one side of the bed and I look over at him then smile.
"Being tired," I reply and scoot over to him and curl up into his side.
He laughs a bit. "Obviously," he says and pulls an arm around me gently.
I smile softly and look up at him then slowly lay my head on his stomach and wrap an arm around his waist and close my eyes.
"G'night.." I whisper and just before I fall asleep Max whispers "good night" to me, making me smile right before I fall asleep.


I wake up the next morning, wrapped up in the blanket and Max' arms.
I look at him and smile a bit, his face soft and calm. Almost the exact opposite of what he usually us.
A smile forms on his lips a bit.
Is he dreaming?
"Enjoy the view?"
I jump and laugh a bit.
"Maybe," I say softly.
He laughs and opens his eyes.
"I don't want to go to school.." I whisper.
"I know you don't. But you have to. Only a couple more weeks, Cass." Max whispers and kisses the top of my head.
I sigh softly and nod a bit. "Yeah.. But a couple of weeks is going to end up feeling like a couple of months." I say softly.
"I know. Just push through it. Come on," Max says and slowly releases me then gets up and walks out of the bedroom and to the kitchen to make.. Coffee I guess.
It's like his wake up call.
And Ross' and Tim's.
When all three of them smell the coffee, they're wide awake. But I'm already wide awake before the smell of coffee reaches my senses.
I walk to my apartment and quickly get changed, put on a bit of makeup and push my glasses onto my nose.
I stare at myself in the mirror, my eyes eventually traveling down to my stomach.
I stare at it for a few seconds before wrinkling my nose and turning then leaving, meeting up with Max in the hallway.
"Hey- I was just on my way to your apartment." Max laughs a bit and smiles. "You ready to go?" He asks, raising his eyebrows a bit.
"Yeah," I say and end up following him down the hallway a few seconds later.


Finished this one in class.. Smh. I'm super tired rn ;-;

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