Jimin- "Just Friends?"

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You walked down the hall of your high school with your friend, Jimin. Although he was a close friend you thought of him more than that. Jimin and you were best friends ever since elementary. You had the biggest crush on him, but you decided to keep your feelings for him bottled up and not tell him. It was hard for you to confess to him since he seemed to be not interested in you at all.

At first, you tried dating other guys to get him off your mind. But it seemed to not work, all your heart really wanted was Jimin.

'Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin' Is all your mind could think of when you were with this angel...

As you walked down the hall with Jimin, staying behind him following him to your next class, social studies. The walk was really quiet and you's just stare at his back looking at his beautiful orange hair.

"Hey Y/N, how was your morning?" Jimin said breaking the silence, still walking.

"Oh, it was good, I guess, you?" You said in a soft voice.

"Good, but I feel like I'm missing something today but not sure what.."

He said and looked back at you with those brown eyes. Your heart skipped a beat for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"O-oh..D-did yo-you like f-forget so-some b-books or so-something..?" You said stuttering, not knowing why you felt so embarressed at the moment.
Jimin chuckled at you and smiled, he even eye smiled. Whenever you saw his eye smile, you felt like you could burst any moment.

"Anniya..Not books, but someone.." He said started to lean in closer to you. You backed up but ended up crashing into the locker behind you.

"U-uh jimin..." You stuttered again, you could your cheeks boiling.

"You know..Y/N I've always had a crush on you." He said looking into your eyes. Not knowing what to do in a moment like, you blurted some really stupid words.

"Don't say that! Were only friends!" You blurted out, but covered your mouth immediately. You didn't know why these words came out your mouth. You hated yourself in this moment, you felt tears on the verge to burst out.

Jimin just stared at you wide eyed, his happy smile and eye smiles, gone. You felt like you heard his heart shatter, along with yours.

"Oh...I see how it is, you just wanna be friends...? That's fine, I guess.." He said turning his back and left you there by the lockers and walked off to class.

You watched as his back dissapeared down the hall, you hated yourself so much at this moment. You couldn't hold it in anymore. You ran to the bathroom, locking yourself in the cubicle closest to the corner and cried into your hands.

'Why'd you say that Y/N?! Your so stupid, you could've just said I like you back and everything would've been good..!' You said in your mind, crying harder then you ever had into your hands.

You heard the bell ring to your classes but you could less at the moment, all you wanted to do was die. You ran out the stall, trying to wipe your tears but they coming. You found yourself running back to your house. Since no one seemed home you just walked it and ran straight to your room, locking it.

"It's been so long since I've done this.." You said grabbing a razor out of your drawer. More tears formed into your eyes and rolled down your cheeks; as you started to rub the blade again your skin seeing beads of blood emerging. Your kept on doing down your wrist, your wrist started to feel numb.

"Ah, this feeling..its back.." You said cutting your wrist one last time as you watched blood drip down your wrist. You cried out more seeing your wrist.

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