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A/N: @taeee- here's your tae angst one shot i really hope you enjoy it! i'm sosososos sorry i took so long, im such a slug, sorry if it kinda sucks ashdksksls

Things had changed during the past few weeks between you and Taehyung. He started coming home later than usual and was always restless. Instead of drinking some late night hot cocoa, he would just make his way straight up to bed, ignoring you completely.

You had felt so lonely these past few weeks, you usually spend your time in the living room waiting for him to walk in. Expecting a smile or a request of making hot cocoa. But ever since him and his group comebacked, those things had disappeared. Instead I get quiet and restless Taehyung.

Your heart couldn't take all of the pain of being neglected by the one you had loved truly. You decided to wait for Taehyung again. Wearing one of his white HBA shirts and your denim shorts.

You checked the clock it was currently 10:49. You sighed and looked down, knowing he probably won't come home this early. To make time go by faster you turned on the tv and started watching some k drama. Sadly, it didn't help so you just stared at the screen, every 2 minutes looking back at the clock.

Later on in the night your eyes had gotten heavier heavier, getting harder to force them wide open after each blink you took.

"Must..wait for him tom come back home"Is what you had last mumbled before you had passed out on the couch. All could be heard was some talking from the characters in the k drama in the background along with some mumbles coming out from your mouth. By this time it was now 11:39 pm.

About a few minutes later a familiar sound of rattling keys ringed in your ear. You instantly sprung wide awake, you pushed yourself off the couch and ran to the door. By this time Taehyung had already opened the door and stepped in. His lips were parted as his brown eyes looked down at your (eye color) eyes, along with some dark eye bags. You both had made eye contact so suddenly.

Your heart, has been craving for a moment like this. A moment just to stare back into those beautiful brown eyes, that never seemed to lose there shine in your eyes. Your body felt over whelmed at the fact you could actually make eye contact with him for a while, your eyes got teary.

Taehyung parted hus lips wider, like he was gonna say something. But before he could you ended up instantly clinging onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist, also with your arms swung around his neck, your face was dug into the side of his neck. Tears instantly started falling out of nowhere.

Taehyung's eyes grew wide as he dropped his bag on the ground, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, holding you in his embrace.

"T-Taeh-hyung..why have you neglected me for so long..? I know your busy but..you didn't have to ignore me right..? Do you know how hard it is not being able to even look you in the eye when you come home..?Even if i stayed up...so..so..long.." You said, stuttering from all the crying. Most of your words were muffled from you digging your face against his neck, by the time his neck collar was soaked with your salty tears.

"Y/N..I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for not giving you the loving attention you need, its just..I've really restless with all this work because of the comeback you know..I'm sorry, I should've know you felt like this..I'm so so sorry (Y/N)." Taehyung said and walked to the couch and sat down, still making sure you were in his warm embrace. You honestly missed this so much, being in his embrace always had helped you. Whenever you were upset or anything, he'd always carry you in this exact position out of nowhere.

You then released your face, stained with tears everywhere from Tae's soaked up neck collar. You looked back inot his eyes, your eyes all red from all the crying, along with a slightly red nose.

"Tae..I'm sorry i felt so desperate. I just missed you so much, you know like missed when you would come home and call my name and we would just drink some hot cocoa or something and yeah.." You said and looked down at Taehyung's lap, feeling embarrassed of how you were acting toward him.

"It's okay.. (y/n) you shouldn't be sorry, i should I'm the one who inflicted all this pain onto you..no need to be sorry." Taehyung said and lifted you chin up and looked into your eyes and smiled.

"I-" You lips were parted as you were about to say something, but you were caught off with something else.

Taehyung's soft lips had collided with yours, your face instantly heated up, no matter how many times the two of you had kissed you always seemd to heat up.

Taehyung's kiss stared getting deeper as his eyes closed slowly, your as well did. You kissed back, sooner or later your lips had created a heat make up session. Full of passionate, deep kisses.

You ended up pulling back and gasped for air, your cheeks a light red. You could see Tae gasping for as well from all these kisses. You missed all of this so much, you were so happy to have got it back. Unexpectedly, you smiled from this.

"Awh, now look whos all happy now."Taehyung said and smiled as cupped your cheeks. You smiled and pecked his cheek, tae's smiled turned into one of your favorite smiles, a box smile.

"I love you..Taehyung.." You said wrapped your arms around his neck once again.

"I love you too, also I'll take a day off tomorrow for you, I don't want to see you sad like this again." Taehyung said and hugged back.

"Yay!~" You said, your voice getting softer, sleepness seemed to caught on once again. Taehtung had chuckled at your response and carresed the back of your head.

"Ah, just go to sleep already you." Taehyung said and smiled, holding you close.

"Okay..goodnight then." You said before your eyes completely fell shut and you were sound asleep in Taehyung's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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