Language - a barrier

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 I have noticed it a lot recently that people who know a foreign language ( like English) think they are better than others. 

Now you might think I'm a hypocrite because I am writing in English too. But my purpose here is to get the point across. Not to degrade another language or a person for not knowing a language.

       I think the purpose of having a language in the first place is to communicate with others, not to feel superior or make someone feel bad about themselves. 

I am an Indian and I say this very proudly that I know how to speak Hindi ( Hindi is not our official language , we don't have an official religion or language). I'm not going to shy away from that fact and PRETEND that I don't.

I mean, just because someone is talking in Hindi and doesn't know how to speak English does not mean that the person is beneath you, and it does not give you any right to disrespect the person or mock him/ her for it. Because that just defeats the purpose. If someone is trying to communicate with you and you know that language and are pretending not to then I don't know if anyone else does but I consider it plain RUDE! 

Why do people do this. I don't understand this. And I felt the need to mention this here because I think it is important that we, being the future generation should refrain from doing these things. Because the other person is in every way equal to you as a human, and demands the same respect and consideration as you do and being born in a rich family or knowing a certain language does not make you superior. We live in a society where our constitution declares all its citizens as equals. So my only request to you is to stop judging a person by their money or birth or language or nationality because we are all humans and are all equal.

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