Hello kid

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Hey kid

Yes you, I want to tell you something very important, and that is; " live a little", actually scratch that,"live a LOT". 

I sadly didn't live as much as I'd have liked to, so I'm gonna give you all the opportunities and space and time to find yourself and get lost again, I regret things in life, not small things either that I can go back and change but the way I lived, entirely and even though people might say they have no regrets, they always do ALWAYS. So that's my promise to you that I will do everything in my power to make sure that you never have to think like I do, that you don't have to look back and say things like I should've followed my passion even if it was completely irrational and 100% risky, Thats life, if you don't take the risk, you'll be missing out on the whole point of living. 

Humans are living, breathing beings capable of emotions and thoughts and actions. And no matter how irrational you think your life choices are, I will fully support you all the way. I want you to be everything that you think you can be, do everything you can possibly imagine, I want to give you the absolute freedom to find meaning of life for yourself what it means to you. I want you to live, laugh, love hopelessly, endlessly, get your heart broken, wear your heart on your sleeve, be kind, fall for 20 people in a day and welcome life with open arms! I want you to scream and shout and get hurt and bruised and be afraid, be afraid of losing people and I'll tell you it's ok, it's alright, it'll be fine, Thats life...

I want you to be good at art, or music, or speaking, or philosophy, or history, or writing because you will be the best if you just try, believe in yourself, trust others, trust them to love you and care for you and make you feel vulnerable and break you, its still ok.

I want to give you knowledge of the world, The universe and yourself, to learn to fall and fail and get up and still fight for life, don't just aim for grades or marks or being sure, it's ok to not be ok.

I would tell you that these are just numbers and you are much more even if people think otherwise, because they don't know how to live life, ask questions from the earth and find answers for yourself, let there be one question that No one asked before because they dismissed it because it was silly to think too much. That question and that answer could be what the World would know you for even after you're long gone. 

I don't mind if you never earn enough to buy a car or a mansion, or if you never learn how to drive or get a job that everyone kills for. I don't want you to be trapped by me or you or society, society doesn't want you to be happy, because it makes them see their own unsuccessful selves, I would tell you that everything they tell you is wrong, what they consider important never is lile fame or money or power, it all dies, it all fades with time, and those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind, don't kill time or let time kill you.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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