Be Kind

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 Yes. Today we're gonna talk about kindness. Its an easy concept isn't it? Just help others and be kind to people. But stop for a second and think, when was the last time you actually remember doing something kind for someone that you don't really know. It could be a really small thing like helping with directions or saying something nice or maybe passing a smile. Can't recall? Well, the world can't be that harsh a place. 

I'm not gonna say that we should all be nice to everyone around, because we already know that. I'm just saying that the happiness that comes with it, when someone is nice to us, better even, when someone unexpected is. It so overwhelming and I'm not exaggerating when I say that I get goosebumps when someone is kind to me. I think the world needs more of this feeling. Yes, I know it sounds really cheesy but I just wanted to remind you all that, remind you that it feels so nice and warm and I just think that we should be more kind, I mean, we can never be kind enough....

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