Only Time Can Tell

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    I sat patiently at the children’s hospital holding Kendra in Jakobs room. Kathy was occupying Joey with a few toys. Jakob was getting a scan done. Kendra was still sniffling a bit from crying. I was doing my best to keep it together. I had to be strong for our little family. I kissed her head and she pulled my arm tucking her forehead deeper into the curve of my neck and shoulder.

“I love you.” I heard her whimper out.

“I love you too babe, and don’t worry. Jakob is strong, he’ll be ok.” She cried a little more and I just hugged tighter. Finally the doctor came in. She quickly turned and wiped her face.

“Hi I’m Dr. Dover.” He said stepping to us. He looked a bit familiar but I brushed it from my head.

“Hi, Wheres Jakob? How is he?” Kendra asked trembling. He stood by us and showed us a scan of his brain.

“Well ma’am your son is doing fine, They’re just doing a few last preps before bringing him back. As you can see his lesions have gotten smaller.” She nodded and covered her mouth trying not to cry.

“Doc, what caused the stroke if he’s getting better?”

“Actually it was a seizure.” Kendra gasped.

“My poor baby!”

“It’s only because of the lesions. It did not and others in the future should not cause any brain damage.”

“Future? Doc are you saying he’ll have more?” I asked. Kendra squeezed my hand.

“It’s a possibility. I do believe your son has a type of epilepsy that had been brought on by these lesions. As he gets older though he will grow out of it. He’s showing great progression, as far as size and amount of the lesions, and he’s not even one yet.” He folded his folder back and pulled a pen from his coat pocket. He adjusted his glasses and started writing.

“What can we do to keep him from having more?” Kendra asked.

“Well, I talked with his primary doctor Dr. Hoover and we come up to the decision that it would be best for him to take. A medicine in hopes of keeping the seizures tamed.” We both nodded as he wrote. He pulled a square sheet from a tab and handed it to us. “I’m prescribing him liquid Rivotril.” I looked it over and saw it said .25 mg daily. “It comes with a dropper. All you do is put .25 milligrams in his bottle of formula. It’ll have a bitter taste so the formula coats it. Make sure he drinks it all. I would suggest starting it with him tonight and just give it to him in his last bottle before bed.” We both nodded. “It will make him drowsy at first so that’s why it’s better to take it at night. Of course over time he will adjust and it won’t knock him out as quickly. I’ll set up an appointment to do a follow up with Dr. Hoover in five days to see how he is.”

“Thank you so much.” Kendra said. At that time a nurse brought Jakob back to us. He reached for Kendra and she gladly pulled him to her arms. We both hugged and smothered him with kisses. Dr. Dover smiled.

“Your very welcome guys.” He said. He rubbed at the top of Jakobs head. “He’s a very happy baby. He was very calm for us as we did the MRI.”

“Yeah. He’s a sweetie pie.” Kendra said before placing a kiss on Jakobs head. Kathy and Joey came to us.

“Ok, so you know what to do with the medicine right?”

“Yes sir.” I said. He nodded.

“Now it’s very important not to miss doses or give too much, also still keep an eye on him. I’m sure he will respond positively over the medicine, but I’d hate for him to be back in here still having seizures.”

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