Crime Of Passion

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(Billie POV)

    I can’t believe I’m in jail. Been her for two days; cried most of the time. The guys in my cell thought I was just being a little bitch about being in jail but I told them my story and they started feeling bad for me. They stopped picking on me. When I first showed up they made fun of me saying I was a petite little woman. Of course it was because I was crying in jail. I miss Kendra. I can’t believe she doesn’t remember me. I gritted my teeth each time I replayed that night in my head. The thought of Josh taking claim to MY baby made me sick. Neither him nor Kendra’s mother deserve her. I wasn’t even sure I deserved Kendra, But I knew she made me a better person. God sure has put us through so much. I’m so sick of crying. I laid on my bunk and actually prayed. Lord, I don’t know what I’ve done so wrong or what Kendra has done but I wish you could just see how much this hurts. You’ve taken two of my baby’s and the love of my life. I honestly have no idea what I’ve done so wrong. I hope we are even now, and that you can see how much I’m hurting. All I ask is that you let Kendra remember me. At least give me that.

I rolled to my side facing the wall as a few tears eased out. Here I’m with a woman hitter, and a burglar. They deserved to be her but not me. I’m still in shock that this actually happened. I wished it was all just a dream. Why can’t it be a bad dream? I heard the bars ting.

“Hey you’ve made bail.” I sat up and looked. The cop was like at one of the men on the floor. I can’t believe that for a second I was getting out of here. I watched as the woman beater was let out. He of all people should be the one god punishes. No one should ever lay a hand on a woman. I took a peak down the hall to the clock. It was about 10:30. I was so tired. My whole time spent her I’ve been restless. I laid back again and pulled the scrawny blanket over me. Maybe I should just kill myself here.

I slept for what only felt like 3 minutes when I woke to a banging on the bars.

“Armstrong!” I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “You made bail.” I thought for a moment; my mother. I rubbed my face realizing she must have spent all her life savings. I hoped down and followed the cop to the front desk. I didn’t really have any valuables. I looked at the clock it was 6:45. I rubbed my eyes and blinked to focus on a clipboard laid in front of me. “Sign this.” I did. “Alright, here are your papers; your charges have been dropped.” The news shocked me a bit.


“Yeah. Go home.” I guess the bitch realized there was no real evidence to charge me with anything.  I nodded and waited for the main door to be unlocked. It opened and I walked out into a waiting room.

“Oh my baby!” My mother yelled running up to me. I hugged her and she started kissing my face all over. “I missed you so much.” She kept kissing. I could tell she had been crying.

“Mah.” I turned my head trying to get her to stop. “I missed you to. Mah!” She stopped I smiled to her and bent down kissing her cheek.

“Come on honey lets get you home.” She grabbed my hand and we walked out the door. I saw a cab.

“Where’s your car?”

“I didn’t have the gas dear.”

“Oh, well good news… my charges have been dropped!”

“I heard.” She smiled. “I’m so happy.”

“Yeah.” I saddened thinking about going home to an empty house. “Look I’m sorry about this.”

“About what sweetie? Nothings your fault.” We reached the cab.

“About you having to spend so much money and stuff.” She smiled to me.

“Oh honey I didn’t.” I scrunched my eyebrows.

“What? Who did?” She opened the door and I ducked in to see Kendra. When she saw me she gasped and smiled real big. I did the same and threw myself in the cab. We grabbed each other and held on tight.

“I love you so much Billie I’m so sorry.” She was crying. I pulled back and brushed her hair smiling.

“You remember me.” She chuckled and smiled nodding. I kissed her passionately. I pulled from her “I love you too baby!” I made room for mom to get in. I didn’t let go of Kendra and she didn’t let go of me.

“You too are staying at my house to get some sleep. I need to rest my mind. I’ve been worried sick about you both.” Me and Kendra smiled to her. “Just so that I know you’re both together.” When we pulled up to my mother’s I scooped Kendra up and carried her to my old room.

“Damn! The bed.” I forgot I had taken it to our new house.

“Do you have an air mattress?” I looked at her and smiled.

“I think so.” I gave her a kiss and stood her up. I noticed her bag was lying in the floor. I smiled at the sight and ran to the hall closet. I dug around till I found one. I took it to my room and pumped it up. Kendra helped my put a sheet on and a comforter. It started getting daylight so I took a blanket to cover my blinds to make the room dark. I took my shirt and pants off then slid into bed with Kendra. I pulled the lamp string and turned. I wrapped her in my arms and we cuddled kissing for awhile. She slowly fell asleep as I rubbed in her back. I was so happy to be back with her. I just hope she never gets taken away again. I looked up and mouthed Thank you, then pulled her closer and drifted to sleep.

   -Alright sorry it's short, i was going to put it with the chapter before this but just decided to put Billie's POV separate.. Hope you like it :] <3 JezzaBell

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