Chapter one!

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I woke with a start, sweat dripping down my face and back, causing my long brown hair to stick to my body like glue. Never before had I woken from a dream with a fright like that, my heart was racing and my breathing was erratic. I got up and walked to the bathroom squinting as I turned on the light and looked at myself in the mirror, sighing I splashed my face with cold water and walked back to my bed turning the light off as I went.

As I crawled into bed I pulled out my journal and wrote down everything that I saw in my dream. Afterwards I looked back over the previous entries and saw a pattern starting to emerge. Every dream I had was the same, but with new bits of information thrown in. They were always about Bobby my godfather. He was always telling me to go to his house as there was something there he wanted me to see. This time it ended with his head being chopped off. I decided - as silly as it sounded - to go an investigate, after all my dreams normally turned out to be true in one form or another at least.

As soon as morning broke I got up and packed a duffle bag and climbed into my car, my baby as I called it. She was a beautiful deep green 1970 Chevelle. I remember Bobby had got me it when I turned 16 and we spent all summer doing it up. Those were the good old days, I drove for two days straight, only stopping off for gas, food and the odd hours sleep. Finally I pulled up outside his scrapyard, it looked and felt like a ghost town. I got out and opened the gate it screeched as I pulled it on its rusty hinges. Getting back into my car I felt a chill go up my spine, never a good sign with me but I brushed it off. I pulled up to the house and got out. I could see that it hadn't been lived in for a while as the porch was falling apart and the plants were all dead. I unlocked the door with my spare key and walked in. There was dust and cobwebs everywhere and the place smelt mouldy, the air was hot and stale which made it that much worse.

I covered my mouth and went in, looking around I couldn't see anything of any interest. I touched an old photo of me and Bobby from when I was about 10, as I did images raced through my head. Bobby holding me, my parents laughing, Bobby writing a letter and placing it in a book. I came round shaking my head, walking over to his vast collection of books I searched for the book in my vision. Trust Bobby to put it in the only book that I have ever loved 'Alice in Wonderland' opening in the book the letter fell out. I bent down and picked it up, the paper had turned yellow where it was that old. I carefully opened the envelope frightened that I might rip it. Once opened I read the letter.

'My darling Lexi, if you are reading this then I am sorry to say I am dead. Also I am sorry for any visions I may have sent you but I needed you to read this. I loved you very much and I am proud of how wonderful you have grown up, but I'm not proud of any boys that you may have dated.' I smiled to myself as tears rolled down my face. 'There are things about this world your parents and I wanted to keep from you. But with your gift progressing as fast as it did. This was sometimes very difficult as I'm sure you will understand. Now I want you to do me a favour, I want you to pack up every single book and journal in the house that you can find as well as any weapons and stuff that looks out of place. I then want you to call some guys I know called Sam and Dean, now they may find it difficult to believe you at first but they will eventually. I then want you to stay with them, they will protect you. To say I trust these to idjits is saying something, but to say I trust them with my life will show you how good they are.' I folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope.

I looked around the house collecting everything I was told to, I found a few charms and herbs - at least I hope they were herbs and not dead plants - as well as other bits and bobs that I want to keep to remember him by. I loaded up my car and slid into the driver's seat, I pulled out my cell phone and called the number on the letter. It rang a couple of times and I thought about hanging up when a deep voice answered.

"Hello" I was quiet for a moment unsure what to say. "Hello, if this is some kind of prank call then I'm hanging up."
"No wait" I said squeezing my eyes shut. "I'm sorry my name is Lexi Pierce and I'm a friend of Bobby Singers." The other end was quiet I didn't know if he had hung up, collapsed or fallen asleep so I continued "I'm at his house and found your number on a letter he wrote me. He told me you could help me.
"You know Bobby Singer huh? And you're at his right now?"
"Yes" I replied to both answers "Look it's a long story and I would prefer to talk about it face to face."
"Ok meet me at the diner down the street"
"You mean The Shamrock Steakhouse?" Knowing full well that he was testing me.
"That's the one sweetheart. I'll be there in 10 minutes" with that he hung up. Ok I thought I have 10 minutes to come up with a way to tell him everything without sounding insane. I laughed at myself - easier said than done I thought.

I put my cell away and drove to the steakhouse. I got out the car and stretched, sitting in a car for two days didn't do my back any good. I lent against my car door and waited three minutes passed and a black Chevy Impala pulled into the parking lot and two guys got out.

"Nice car" I said as they walked past. "Bet she purrs like a kitten." The shorter one turned to me and smiled.

"Thanks yours isn't so bad either." He looked it over then at me "Chevelle am I right?" I nodded. The taller one turned to him
"Dean stop flirting we are here to meet this Lexi person."
Dean nodded. "Yeah alright Sammy" I smiled at him as he nodded at me a sort of see you later nod.
"Sam and Dean?" I replied pushing myself off the car "The two idjits?" Dean raised an eyebrow at me.
"The only person to call us that was Bobby." I nodded and held out my hand.
"Lexi Pierce nice to meet you." Dean smiled even bigger than before as he shook my hand. Then images raced through my head - Bright lights, being tied up in a dark room, a scare on a shoulder, a mark on an arm, black eyes, blood and screaming - I pulled my hand away and looked at him. I then shook Sam's hand, again images raced into me - A man with red eyes, another with a trench coat and tie, a girl on the ceiling burning, and a guy with yellow eyes. I pulled my hand away and looked at Sam.
"What just happened?" He asked
"Nothing" I replied "who's hungry?" I asked trying to change the subject as I walked to the steakhouse.
We sat down in a quiet and secured area of the place and I flipped through the menu. "Ok what happened outside?" I looked up to see Deans emerald green eyes staring at me.
"Nothing." I said again looking at him then at Sam and back to Dean, I could see by the cold stares they gave me that they didn't believe me. "Ok" I groaned sinking into my seat. "But you have to promise to not laugh." They nodded "When I touch you both I got flashes of events from your lives." I looked at them and neither of them moved or changed their expression, nothing so I continued "Dean I saw a mark, a scar, a dark room, and heard screaming. Sam I saw a girl burning on the ceiling, a man with red eyes and one with yellow and a man in a trench coat and tie. Oh and Dean another image from you was black eyes." I took a breath and looked at them, neither one said anything. "Well" I said "Aren't you going to say anything?"
"You're a psychic?" Sam asked not smiling or anything like I thought he would. I nodded slowly waiting for them to take it all in and to burst out laughing or to call me insane. They didn't, they just continued drinking their coffee and eating the pie that they had ordered. "So how do you know Bobby?" Sam asked taking me by surprise.

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