Chapter 3

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I came round to see all four of them staring at me. "Sleeping Beauty has risen."

"Crowley shut your mouth." Dean was looking down at me. "What happened? One minute you was stood in front of me then next you were out for the count."

I rolled onto my stomach and sat up, placing a hand on my head I groaned. "I don't know, I heard a voice, went dizzy and now I'm here. It's never happened before." Dean held out his hand and helped me up. He walked me to the couch and I sat down, Sam walked up to me and handed me a glass of water, taking it gratefully I downed it in one. I looked at them in turn, wishing at that moment in time that I could read minds. Both Sam and Dean were looking at me with worry, Crowley just looked smug and Cas, well he had the same blank, yet confused expression as before.

"I'll go and see what I can find out." Before anyone could respond he was gone and for a moment I though I had blinked slowly it was that quick.

"As fascinating as all this is, I have Hell to rule." I looked at Crowley, and for a moment his expression seemed to change. He was no longer fierce, but almost sympathetic, worried and remorseful all rolled into one. He vanished and I had a funny feeling it wasn't the last time I was going to see him. I looked at Sam and I could see he wanted to ask something, but like in the car was too nervous. Gently I placed a hand on his arm and instead of images flooding into my mind I projected memories and thoughts from my mind into his.

He looked at me shocked, "how did you do that?" He asked sounding like he had just come down off a high.

"I just thought of something and pushed it towards you, I've been learning how to do it for a few months. It's how I've managed to get out of speeding tickets. After all I'm not all that in the chest department." We both laughed.

Dean just stood and stared at me. Slowly I saw his eyes start to drift south. "Hey perv, eyes are up here!" Deans head shot up and looked at me.

"Sorry." He replied, whilst trying not to smirk. He looked at Sam and smiled. When Sam rolled his eyes at him and turned back to me I saw something that I couldn't quite put my hand on. Was it a look of 'I didn't do anything' or a look of 'she's mine!' I just couldn't work him out.

"How you feeling now?" Sam asked with pure concern in his voice.

I nodded at him in reply as I held my head. "I'm ok, just got a banging head is all".

"I couldn't find anything!" I looked up and saw Cas stood behind Dean. "No one seems to know anything. Not that I can ask much people after what happened with Metatron and the Darkness fiasco." Cas looked at me blankly. "You don't think she's what's left of the Darkness do you?"

"The what now?" I asked standing too quickly that I had to sit again.

"The Darkness." Cas looked at me as if to say 'you must know' "You don't know about the Darkness?"

"The only Darkness I know of is a band called The Darkness." I saw Dean laugh quietly to himself.

Cas just looked at me and walked out. As he did he shouted "how are we suppose to trust her when she don't know about the Darkness?"

Suddenly I felt myself getting angry, I didn't know why and I didn't know how to control it. Out of nowhere a huge clap of what I could only describe as thunder shook the entire building, yet outside it was a bright sunny day. The whole room began to shake. Cas came running back in as I looked blankly at him. I could see that both Sam and Dean were trying to get my attention, but I couldn't hear them. I couldn't hear Cas as he tried to talk to me. I literally saw red and before I knew it I had my hand round Cas' throat and was pushing him against the nearest wall. Then from nowhere a soothing voice spoke to me, it was a voice I knew from my past. The only voice that was able to calm me down whenever I got nervous. I let go of Cas and slumped to the ground shaking and crying. What was happening to me? Could it be stopped and was it linked to the voice I heard earlier?

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